
June 7, 2008 at 6:20 pm (Uncategorized)

Thank you for visiting our new Junior High ministry blog! Our hope is that we can help parents to become the very best they can be in helping their children to follow Jesus with faith all the days of their lives. As a parent, I know that my wife Rhonda and I care the most about our daughters, Jaelyn and Lexie, following Christ for the rest of their lives. I imagine most parents would say they want the best for their kids too. If that is caring about the person they end up marrying or about their economic place in this world, isn’t the spiritual life of faith that they will end up living even of more importance? I would say an emphatic, “Yes!” Our hope is to raise the urgency of building spiritually into youth through their parents efforts to disciple them. We want to help do this more through helpful blog entries, strategic trainings, personal efforts to support and more.

Please reply back with suggestions or thoughts on how this can be done. My desire is to have my staff and I add to this blog at least weekly so check back on a regular basis.

Thanks again for visiting,

Pastor Mark

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