Wednesday Night…

July 28, 2010 at 8:31 pm (Summer Camp, Uncategorized) ()

Today was a great day.

For the past few days my experience of camp has been seen through the viewfinder of a video camera.  I’ve been running around from the water front, to the archery arena, to the slide, the paintball course, the high ropes course, the low ropes course, the repelling wall, the tabernacle, various cabins, and not to mention all the visits back to the water front to video tape all the blobbing that was taking place.  Needless to say, we have hours of footage that I am excited to get home and start piecing together for our camp recap video.  Hopefully I’ll be able to do the week justice from the footage we have captured throughout this week.

ANYWHO…I was able to set the camera down today and play…and play hard.  One thing that has been a great learning experience for both Pastor Mark and myself is the role that we find ourselves serving in this year.  Because the camp provides the speaking and worship, we weren’t needed to serve those roles like we have for the past several years at camp.  We are not small group leaders because then we are only able to build into a select few students and not interact with the others or be pulled away to deal with “issues” in other groups.  So this year Mark, Myself, and Laurie McAllister are here to serve as builders who invest into the small group leaders who are investing in our students.  Because of the nature of this role, we have been able to play with all the students, sit in on several different cabins and see all the cool things that are happening during these times, and we are able to help out with our leaders when they come to us with questions or situations.

I spent most of the day down at the water front trying to keep up with the energy level of these students.  They are like my dog Zoe at home…no matter how hard they play, they never run out of energy.

After the afternoon festivities we got cleaned up and headed back down to the waterfront for an amazing BBQ dinner.  For the next hour or so we sat around and laughed, wrestled, told jokes, and enjoyed life with each other over some delicious cheeseburgers.

Tonight at our session Dave tackled the topic of the cross.  Dave is a science teacher up here in Spokane and from what I have heard, he was either Washington’s Teacher of the Year last year, or was a runner up in the competition.  He is very passionate about our King and it was obvious tonight in our session.  He gave the facts on how and why Jesus is real from a scientific, mathematical, theological, and historical standpoint.  He stripped it all the way down to the point where it comes down to our own will.  Are we willing to follow the Truth, or turn from it and do our own thing knowing full well that Christ is real.

Our groups are currently in their small group time and tonight in lieu of a night game, the students are coming back to the Tabernacle (the chapel) to have desert and have an all-camp talent show.  Looking forward to some great acts from both students and leaders.  I’m sure there are going to be some memorable moments tonight and tears of laughter will be shed.

So far camp has been accident-free.  Just a couple scrapes and bruises but nothing serious. Praise God for that!  We did take one boy into the hospital today because he had some pretty swollen glands and wasn’t feeling good at all.  So it was more of a precautionary decision, but the student is back here at camp and feeling better already.

Tomorrow is our last full day and we are going to finish strong!  Be in prayer for that supernatural strength and endurance for the students and leaders who are feeling weary and tired.  Pray that tomorrow will be even better than all these previous days combined together!

We will try to post pictures tomorrow morning from the past few days as well as from the talent show tonight too!

Pastor Tyler

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Tuesday Night Update

July 27, 2010 at 8:18 pm (Summer Camp, Uncategorized)

The internet has been up and down here and so the updates have not been as frequent as we were hoping for.   So our apologies for the lack of updates…

Today was great!  The weather was a little cooler than yesterday which was nice.  The weather was still up in the high 80’s, but the cloud cover made it feel cooler than yesterday.

We just finished up our evening session for tonight and Dave is doing a great job teaching God’s word to your students. Tonight we looked at corruption and how sin, no matter how big or small, separates us from God.  Although the idea of sin and being set apart from God’s holiness is a well known sunday school story for many of our students, Dave did an incredible job with painting this concept in a whole new way for our students.  You will have to ask your kids about “the chili dog talk” when you see them later this week.

Right now the students are in their cabins talking about separation and how Satan uses that as his game-plan, whereas God’s plan is all about reuniting and repairing.   Be praying that the Spirit will guide these conversations and work on the hearts of both students and leaders as they share tonight and tomorrow morning on this topic.

So many questions about God and His epic story have been asked that thursday morning we will be having a campwide Q&A with our speaker where students will be able to ask him any question they have.   It’s been neat to see the light bulb come on for many of the students and begin to question why they believe what they believe or how do they know they are saved.  These are great questions that we often as adults wrestle with as well.

God is good and His Spirit is doing a great work in their hearts and it is so exciting to witness this transformation as they continue to learn to live and think like Jesus.

Pastor Tyler

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Camp Update

July 26, 2010 at 10:47 pm (Uncategorized)

We are having a great time here at Riverview.  In so many ways it is different.  We are packed in with close to 400 people including staff and leaders from not only our church, but also churches from all over the northwest.  We have been eating really great food and lots of it!  We have had challenges from the Bible about creation and the story of God which is a good thing in a day and age where so many people leave God out of their beliefs about origins.  I’ve watched kids and leaders wrestle with questions about faith and God and Jesus.  I’ve also seen students who need to be challenged, but they are resisting.  I love watching our leaders totally engage with their kids and guide them in activities and life.  There is really nothing like a week of camp to escape from the trappings of our everyday life and find that the God of the unseen is deeply engaged with pursuing these special kids.  I will never tire of the opportunities that God brings every year.  We may be in a different place on a map, but our God is so much bigger than the location we are in.  He is relentlessly hunting down the spiritually lost and apathetic and challenging the convinced to step out in leadership and great faith.  Pray for us as leaders that we will show them a life lived by faith is the ONLY way to live.

Thanks for letting your kids be with us this week!

Pastor Mark

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Epic Day 2- Focused On The Cross

July 26, 2010 at 10:30 pm (Uncategorized)

Today camp kicked into high gear.  It was full of smiles and an unexpected surprise.  I was able to watch a couple of cabins participate in the high ropes course.  I loved how the instructor Blake shared about how important it is to exercise our faith in order to be strong in our beliefs.  He said it was so key to keep focused on the cross that was carved into the opposite tree when each student crossed the 20 foot long log that was suspended up 30 feet in the air.  As student after student came up to that element they would wrestle with that advice.  Some would start to go and look down and go wobbly in the legs.  Others would try to go fast, but ended up looking down and losing balance.  Some went slow and steady by fixating on the cross and not looking right or left or down.  They wouldn’t win a race across, but they did accomplish the goal in a way that taught them an important truth.  They lived out the importance of focusing your life on the cross that Jesus gave his all so we can have a faith that can take us anywhere in life.  I love how these kids learned that lesson and for the ones who took a chance, experienced a special reward.  They got a memory that they will never forget and a lesson that will last a lifetime!

Pastor Mark

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Upcoming Parent Conference!

April 10, 2010 at 12:55 pm (Uncategorized)

Hey Parents,

This upcoming conference is worth checking out.  If you want to sign up, just go to their website and sign up.  Anytime you can enhance your skill as a parent, it is a win in my books!

Take care,

Pastor Mark

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Sacrificing Today For Tomorrow

January 24, 2010 at 4:55 pm (Uncategorized)

Recently I have been wrestling with some big questions that have a future bent to them.  You know, the stuff that keeps people up at night.  I’ve been wondering if we can afford college for my daughter who is on the brink of getting there this Fall.  Wondering if I am too old to be a pastor to Junior High students.  Over-thinking why I need to know what is unknowable is another area I grapple over.

But here’s the kicker, when my focus is beyond today I’m only guessing.  My attention is elsewhere and I lose today as a result.  By looking ahead I lose the possibilities that God put in front of me today.  How many times have I neglected to spend quality time with my daughter today because I was worried about something that MIGHT happen tomorrow or the next week or the next month…well, you get the picture.

Don’t miss out on the eternal blessing of speaking into our kid’s lives while we still have opportunity.  Don’t wait for tomorrow to come, do it today.  Find the sweet spot of God’s divine appointments for you to have with your child and don’t forget these great verses from Matthew 6:33-34, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

In His Service,

Pastor Mark

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Back Row…

January 18, 2010 at 5:39 pm (Uncategorized)

Isn’t it funny how history repeats itself?  Look at wars.  They often start for many of the same reasons every time.  Look at politics.  Whoever is the minority party uses the same negative, critical tactics every time.  I even look at myself in the mirror.

30-some years ago, I was in the youth group of my church.  I came with my parents.  I felt like I was forced to come.  I hated big church and contributed nothing to my youth group’s age appropriate service.  I was like so many kids I see come on Sunday mornings to our service.  I sat in the back row with a couple close friends.  I didn’t sing.  I didn’t listen very much to the talks my youth pastor gave.  I even wondered why some other peers actually thought this God thing was pretty cool.  I just didn’t see it.

So how did I make it from the back row to the stage teaching young people just like me, a few decades removed?  I honestly don’t know apart from the Holy Spirit capturing my heart a couple of times on ministry trips and mission opportunities.  But it really started happening when I became a leader on my campus.  Making my faith a 7-days-a-week lifestyle was so huge and different for a guy who grew up in the nursery at church and knew every Bible story ever told.  I don’t think I would be here today had God not shaped me during those formative years.

So why share this post?  I hope every parent will strive to help their student to live their faith daily.  It starts with modeling it yourself.  It continues with talking about it and dialoguing with your student in a non-judgmental way, gently encouraging the life that pleases Christ.  It happened for me and by God’s grace and wisdom, it will happen for your students too.

Pastor Mark

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Big Changes For Junior High Summer Camp 2010!

November 9, 2009 at 10:47 am (Uncategorized)

The decision has been made to change locations for the Peak next summer.  We will be taking the students to Riverview Bible Camp, which is north of Spokane, Washington.  As the price for the facility at Cascades Camp & Conference Center continued to rise, we grew concerned that we weren’t getting our monies worth.  Another factor that contributed to this decision was the cost in hours of preparation for putting our own camp on.  Most people don’t know that each year we spend scores of hours in preparation, study, advance planning, purchasing supplies and recruiting and training leaders for each summer at the Peak.  By going to a camp like Riverview, we let their organization provide the worship band, the speaker, the safety staff, and the program planning.  This allows those of us on staff to go and invest our time in directly discipling our students and nurturing our fellow staff.  Every year since we started putting our energy into discipleship, we have become convinced that our best investments in time have been when we are discipling and reproducing our lives into our kids.  This decision will help us do this even more.

One challenge to this change of venue is that we will be 7 hours further away by bus.  Because of that, we will be using charter buses with air conditioning and bathrooms.  Also, the week we will be going to camp will be a week earlier than we have been used to, July 25-30th in 2010.  We believe this will help us not to conflict with classic qualifying tournaments for soccer and football tryouts.  The cost will probably(the budget is not finalized yet) be $300.00 which will include transportation, camp activities, meals and a T-shirt from the camp.

In conclusion, I would like to say that this location will be different and the experience will be changing.  However, change is not bad, it is just not what we are used to.  The challenge for parents is to help the kids get excited about the new experience they will be having next summer.  Expect emotional appeals.  Expect that they will have questions you cannot answer.  But guide them into asking God how he will speak to them at Riverview.  Show them that walking by faith often means that we go where we are led, even in our uncertainty about what might be there.  And, of course, let us know if you have any questions about the camp.  You can always check out the camp at  I would try to use the Safari web browser since something is wrong if you use Internet Explorer or Firefox.

Again, if you have any questions, just email Pastor Mark at or give me a call at the church at 503-638-5900.

Take care,

Pastor Mark

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Powerful Reminder Today…

October 25, 2009 at 10:23 pm (Uncategorized)

I just walked in the door from FUSION and my normal routine on any given sunday night is come home, plop down on the couch, converse with my wife Kate about the day while we watch The Amazing Race together. Usually it’s a time where I decompress from my long day and unwind and start to prepare for my upcoming week.  But tonight my mind is elsewhere and Kate is watching some movie I could care less about on TV so I decided I would pull out my laptop and blog about some of the things I’m currently processing.

Tonight was a great night.  It was our Parent night at FUSION which was incredible.  We had one of our largest turn outs yet and it was great to meet with parents one on one and hear about their students and how we can team up with them as we walk alongside of their sons and daughters this year in our small groups. There were many stories and many laughs as we shared stories and insights into the lives of their students.

I believe a reason that made tonight so enjoyable is because of the awesome staff we have.  Granted, being on that staff I am biased, but I truly love what I do and who I work alongside of.  Mark and Jen are not just great co-workers but they are also people who I love dearly and challenge me to be more like Christ on a daily basis.

As I got into my car tonight after FUSION, my phone buzzed signaling a new email message.  I took it out and noticed it was an email from a good friend, a fantastic volunteer, and a lover of Jesus who is battling cancer and has had a hard week with discouraging news being revealed about her diagnosis.  However her love for Jesus and the hope she has in HIM overshadows the fears of the unknown.   I was struck by this statement in her email:

“I have been thinking these last few days about Heb. 12:1-4, especially the part of the verse that says, “the race marked out of us.”  Each of us has a race that looks different; some long, some short, some with more obstacles, some smoother…  Our race is individual, no race is identical.  But each is a test to see what we are made of and how we will glorify or deny God along the way.”


I sat in my car and read that over and over and over again reflecting on what I just read.  Only hours earlier I was talking to parents about how we want to see their kids run the race and make it their own.  To take their faith and fuse it with their day to day life.  I had been so focused on the students taking ownership of their faith and running that race with fervor, that I momentarily forgot that this is something just as important for me to do as well.

In a few weeks I will be teaching in the Jr. High about what it means to “Worship Fully”.

Do you worship fully?

Are running the race wholeheartedly?

Am I?

Am I running that race that Christ has set out before me in such a way that I can say that I am giving it my all?  I can’t expect the students to do this if I am not doing it myself…let alone teach on it.  As I prepare for this lesson, I thank God for these moments where He captivates my heart when I would least expect him to. Such a range of emotions today, but thankful for God letting me experience each and everyone of them.

I’m thinking about showing this video when I teach in November.  Thought it was a fitting way to end this post.

Running the Race Fully,

Pastor Tyler

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Certain Amid Uncertainty

October 21, 2009 at 9:23 am (Uncategorized)

I guess I have been in a place of uncertainty for a while.  I guess that this is also why I have not blogged in so long.  What do I say?  What do I share?  But, I have to be honest: life is uncertain right now.  I love to be in control, I love to have a good plan and see it happen.  Just to make things clear I am not good with the “I do not knows” and the “Let’s just wing it” approach.  My family has a name for it “control freak.”  I come from a long line of them.  It is almost hereditary:)

But, I can’t be shy about it anymore; I am not in control these days.   I do not have life figured out, and I do not know what the future holds.  I am sure many people can resonate with me.  This economy has turned things upside down, and where we envisioned our life going is not always what happens.

So in the midst of the uncertainty, where do I go?  How do I forge ahead?

Last week I meet with two of the girls I am discipling.  (Love it!)   We are reading through the gospels this fall, and last week we finished up in Matthew.  After discussing what they learned, we focused on:

Matthew 22:37 – 38“Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment.”

Now, this passage has not left me since then. I am really wrestling with it.  I have read it so many times, but this time around it is different.  I am really trying to figure out what does it mean to love God with all my heart, with all my soul and with all my mind in the midst of uncertainty?

How do I love God so much that my motives (heart) for my future align with His?

How do I love God so much that my inmost being (soul) craves Him more then control?

And how do I love God so much that everything on my mind is laid at His throne so I keep focused on Him (Mind)?

This passage is causing me each day…

To keep asking Him to change my motives to be what He desires:  Heart.

To keep asking Him to transform my inmost being into His likeness:  Soul.

To keep asking Him to fix my thoughts on things that please Him:  Mind.

So what I am certain amid uncertainty is that I have a God that loves me and will never leave.  And the greatest commandment cannot be head knowledge it must be my calling.


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Did You Know Life Hurts?

October 18, 2009 at 1:27 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 1We are smack dab in the middle of a series on Sunday mornings called “Life Hurts, But God Heals”.  We all know that pain is part of life.  But what is pain?  Is it the homework that has to be done every night?  Maybe it’s the disagreement that you had with your best friend.  Or, maybe it’s the sudden death of a close relative that hits you when you least expected it too.

I have heard about painful experiences from friends who have lost jobs and have debilitating diseases and family fights and more.  I don’t want to hear about anymore pain.  I want to block it out of my mind.  Yea, denial is the ticket.  Deny that any pain is real and it just goes away, free from any impact on my life.  Unfortunately, that doesn’t deal with the pain, it just pushes back the time when I will have to face it.

So much of the pain in my life is from my selfishness and my being prone to sin.  I can’t blame it on the economy or not getting the latest immunization.  So dealing with it is also quite unique.  To deal with my junk, I need to learn how to confess and give it up to God.  In the last few weeks I have participated with groups that were doing a moral inventory of life choices that were sinful or selfish or morally wrong.  Doing this once was difficult.  Twice was uncomfortable.  But three times was really challenging.  I don’t like dredging this stuff up, over and over.  I mean, it’s been dealt with.  God forgave me.  I confessed them.  I agree that they are wrong and not for me to hold onto.

So why do I drift back into them?  Why am I prone to certain sins?  I believe that these kinds of sins can become spiritual strongholds.  I don’t want them to be there, but for me, I am always at risk when these sins present themselves.  However, I am aware that a few things help me to avoid those sins.  One is when I am discipling someone.  I just want to live righteously so they know I’m coming clean with them.  Another is when I share openly with a close friend how I’m doing in my walk with Christ.  Another is when I’m involved in serving the Lord or being involved in an important ministry event.  I don’t want to have anything in my life that might hinder God from using me.

What helps you to avoid sin and live for Christ?  What do you find helps you to be on track with godly living?  I would love to know what anyone is thinking so reply back and let me know.

I didn’t think I would like this series, but God is showing me that being transparent and vulnerable is good for me and good for all of us.  Keep loving Jesus on the journey!

Pastor Mark

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New year for Youth Group. . .Moving To Jr High For Me

October 5, 2009 at 1:28 pm (Uncategorized)

So, I’ve moved down in the world –

The past five years I have been active with the high school ministry at church which I loved. High schoolers are so real and so raw and so down to earth and I have enjoyed hanging with my two older children’s youth groups and leading a discipleship group and helping organize mission trip fundraisers and mission trips.

I have been involved with youth ministry off and on for 25 y ears. Since I became a believer in high school, I had told God that I would be willing to reach out to youth to help them in that journey and I have had that opportunity these years. Helping college age through Campus Crusade for Christ, helping high school and junior high youth through my youth ministry leadership position just out of college, to other volunteer positions these past years.

One of the things that my husband and I have liked to do is be involved with our children where they are at. And having a large family means divide and conquer, so these past years I have committed to high school ministry and my husband had done the Awanas for our younger children.

Now that our older kids are finished with high school and moving on (I still cannot believe it), I am moving down to the junior high group, As is my husband. He is still helping with Awana and boy scouts and I have my other areas of ministry, but related to youth group, I sure enjoyed our first week of junior high group. It was an introduction night and since we are on the welcome team, there was not a lot to do for me, so I got out my camera and shot photographs and that now will be one of my roles. Capturing the kids in action with their leaders at Fusion.

My 6th grade twins are so excited to be a part of the youth group at Rolling Hills. They were in a discipleship group last summer and they went to outdoor movie night and bible study and got to know the staff and the kids and they want to grow.

I am loving moving to the junior high school youth group to help there. I love this age. The students are so excited about life and so innocent and so willing to learn and so eager to learn and so willing to try new things and they mostly just try to be a part of something and grow without all the tangles that high school sometimes has. They are willing to have fun and be crazy and just be. They are so eager to take God at His word and I hope and pray they stay that way and I believe God that He can and will protect their hearts and I see the heart of the youth ministry staff and their desire to come alongside families to partner with them, to raise this generation of youth. There has been so much more of an emphasis on discipleship this year at our church and it stems from Pastor Dale Ebel and it is expanding into all of the areas of our church including the youth, which I feel is so vital. Parents need to be discipling their children and it is neat to see the youth group emphasizing this.

The honesty and sweetness of junior high schoolers is exemplifed in an example of one of my twins coming home to tell me what happened at school. He was listening to his teacher talk about evolution and how we were evolved and he said to the girl sitting next to him, I don’t believe that this happened this way. It is only a theory. I believe that God created people and the earth and he asked the girl what she believed and she said she agreed with him.

I love this age. Sweet junior high age.

Cornelia Seigneur (Parent of 6th Grade Students)

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Are We Playing It Safe In Youth Ministry?

September 27, 2009 at 3:24 pm (Uncategorized)

This post is from the Rethinking Youth Ministry blog.  Written by Brian Kirk, I found his insights to be interesting and challenging for us today.


meek%20mildMy old ritual, as youth group would wrap-up on Sunday evenings and the young’ns were heading home, was to say to them “Be Safe.” Isn’t that a strange way to say goodbye? Of course, all I meant was “Have a good week and come back in one piece” but is that really the best advice we have to give to our youth? They live in a world of school violence, AIDS, drugs, computer predators, terrorism. Is being safe all it’s cracked up to be? What about when it comes to our faith? Is teaching our youth to “play it safe” our best option? Probably not, but are we willing to lead youth ministries that encourage real risk?

One of my favorite passages in C.S. Lewis’ The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe finds the young protagonists chatting with Mr. and Mrs. Beaver. The Beavers are trying to describe Aslan, the Lion (a metaphorical stand-in for Christ in the story). Lucy, taken aback by the notion of meeting a lion, asks, “But is he safe?” Mr. Beaver replies. “Safe? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t. But he’s good.”

Do our youth ministries too often offer a Jesus who is “safe?” A Jesus who asks little of us beyond giving intellectual assent to a list of religious beliefs? A Jesus who says, “Just agree that I’m your Lord and Savior and then I’ll leave you alone to your video game nights and your road trips and your skateboard parks?” We know that for the early church, following Jesus was not just about committing to a list of do’s and don’ts or pledging allegiance to religious dogma. For them following Jesus meant walking through life the way he walked, living and loving as he lived and loved. Theologian Paul Tillich describes this as making the spirit of Christ a reality by “participating in his very being.” In other words, following Christ is not primarily about abstract belief but about a way of being in the world.

And if we dared to do this in our youth ministry, we’d better be prepared for trouble. Because following Jesus with our youth — really following Jesus — will be anything but safe. Because here is what it would look like:

  • Radically re-visioning the world in which we live — even though it’s a world in which we are pretty comfortable (Do our youth rooms really need a mini-fridge and an Xbox or should our priorities be elsewhere?).
  • Letting go of all our old distinctions of rich/poor, male/female, gay/straight, young/old, powerful/powerless, respected/shamed, cool/uncool, popular/unpopular (Who is not in your youth group because they don’t think they’d be welcome in the church? What are you doing to extend to them the hand of Christian hospitality?)
  • Opposing violence and working for peace (Is it time for a protest march?)
  • Deciding that sharing our faith means more than convincing other people of our religious point of view or showing publicly that we are more pious than the next person. It’s about how we live and love in this world. (“Preach the Gospel always and, if necessary, use words.”)
  • Speaking out against intolerance and injustice and calling on the Church to do the same. (How do your youth see the intersection of their faith and their attitudes about healthcare, poverty, AIDS, abortion, the death penalty, racism, etc.?)
  • Leaving the comfort of our youth rooms to go out and literally feed the poor, clothe the naked, care for the lonely, heal the sick. (Can we do this every Sunday and not just on the yearly mission trip?)

Of course, none of this stuff is safe. Some of it may even be dangerous. Some of your teens will jump at the chance to be world-changers. Some will leave and find a youth group that is more entertaining and less challenging. And know that when you start messing with the present order of things, those who benefit from that order will always see what you are doing as a threat. Perhaps this is why churches work so hard to keep youth pacified with video games and big screen TVs and trips to Six Flags and their own rooms far, far away from everyone else. We figure if we keep them distracted enough, they might not notice that this Jesus guy really is a radical, dangerous troublemaker calling us to overturn the tables of the world and work for something completely different.

So, how do you know if your group is following the radical Jesus or just playing it safe? Ask yourself: Is our ministry meeting any resistance from those, youth and adults alike, who are happy with the cultural status quo? Have we confused the gospel with our culture’s recipe for respectability, comfortableness, safety? Does the Jesus we follow demand anything of our youth other than being members in the “nice people” club? Is the Jesus we share with our youth more like a kitty cat or Aslan the Lion?

I know many of you out there are leading “dangerous” youth ministries. We’d like to hear from you and know what you’re doing. You may just inspire the rest of us to stop playing it safe.


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Legalistic or Healthy Conversation?

September 14, 2009 at 9:41 am (Uncategorized)

Over time I’ve developed a habit.  This habit isn’t a bad thing like smoking or watching too much TV.  My habit is to read from the Bible each day.  In fact, some would call this habit a spiritual discipline.  But this isn’t about my having discipline or not, but rather if having a discipline like reading the Bible is a legalism, or a humanistic spiritual effort.  As I work with the students I’m finding that it is the rare guy or girl who actually reads the Bible outside of regular church programs.  No wonder we have to make such a big deal about helping everyone find where we read in the Bible at church.  Most people don’t read and thus the Bible is a foreign book to them.  And that is an absolute shame.

When I read the Bible in the mornings, I try hard to hear from God, but often it is just plain, hard work to even find one nugget of truth from the Lord.  I’m sure others feel this way too.  To find insights and convicting challenges and just plain hearing from the Lord takes time to immerse in the Word and allow the message to penetrate our lives.  In this sense, our reading the Word is God’s way of talking to us.  Just like I often will have conversations with my wife while watching TV, I can miss whole thoughts and non-verbal messages she gives me because I’m not focused on the conversation.  I think the Lord sees us the same way.

We can read a passage but we forget God will often bring those truths to mind in the future when we are in a conversation or thinking through a big life challenge.  This is the healthy conversation that God gives us when we need that truth the most.  By daily getting into the Word, the storehouse of conversations grows and the true payoff is in the days and months to come.  By staying faithful to daily immersing in God’s truth, I find that the Holy Spirit brings ideas to mind when I least expect them and often these ideas are based on what I recently read.

So what is the bottom line?  Do we legalistically read or do we change our mindset and see anytime that we read, we are actually conversing with God?  As a Dad and a model to hundreds of students, my hope is that my daily conversations with God will transform me.  Who knows, maybe that’s why God wanted us to seek Him with all our heart.  Because it’s in the seeking that we find more than we ever bargained for.

Pastor Mark

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Parent Meeting Announcement!

September 9, 2009 at 9:15 am (Uncategorized)

Coming up on Sunday morning the 20th of September at 9am in the Courtyard Room will be a parent meeting.  These meetings are very important for understanding the way the Junior High ministry works, getting up-to-date on what is new or different this year and finding the ways that you can pray for us this year and engage in the spiritual development of your kids.  Please spread the word as we know word of mouth is the best way to let all our parents know about this one-time meeting.


Pastor Mark

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Can You Feel It?

September 9, 2009 at 9:08 am (Uncategorized)

Yesterday I felt it.  The onslaught of the fall and all the new beginnings again.  I took care to slow down in school zones.  I noticed the roads were more crowded in the morning.  I attended a parent meeting for the water polo team.  Yes, fall is here and it is just the beginning.

As I looked back to last year, I was encouraged by the ground we took as a ministry to help connect parents and the importance of discipling their students.  Remember that the only way to impart faith to your kids is to personally take responsibility for it.  We will always be a resource, but you are the ones who see them each day.  You have the vast majority of opportunities to take ground in this area, far more than our efforts amount to at Fusion and Elevation.

My hope this year is that we will be able to personally disciple each student during the course of the school year.  This discipleship will include building a relationship with a student, helping get them grounded in the Bible and spiritual disciplines, using flexible methods to help them grow and with the desire that each student will be able to disciple another student after they are done.  In fact, this vision to disciple comes out of our camp this year as numerous students were called by the Holy Spirit to invest their life into another life.

Get ready for a great ride this year.  I can feel the excitement.  I can feel the anticipation.  Can you feel it too?

Pastor Mark

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Walking By Sight, Not By Faith

August 19, 2009 at 2:55 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 28Isn’t it interesting how easy it is to encourage someone else to have eyes of faith when they are going through a difficult circumstance, but when it happens to you things totally change.  Of all my senses, I like sight.  Maybe it’s because I love to see where I’m going so I can anticipate the challenges ahead.  Maybe it’s because I hate surprises and wish that I had everything figured out already.  In any case, the last thing I like to do is rely on my faith.

Now, this may not sound very godly.  I’m a Pastor for goodness sake, I should be used to walking in faith.  Truth be known, I struggle with my faith.  Not the confidence that I have a relationship with almighty God, just the confidence to trust my God with my life.  Hebrews 11 says that faith is the confidant assurance of things hoped for and the evidence of things we cannot see.  Not see?  Wait a minute, God, I want to see.  I want the faith that includes sight.  I want the easier instant faith that doesn’t have to get pressed or endure hard times.  I want easy faith, with a nice added bonus of prosperity.  Yes, that’s the faith for me!

Honestly, I have that kind of faith.  That’s why it’s so hard to NOT trust in sight.  I train myself to walk by sight so when the hard times come, there I go eyes wide open, stumbling into the darkness, trying to find my way.  It just won’t happen.  Walking by faith takes practice.  It’s the little things we do by faith that prepare us for the big ones.  So when I do faith by sight all the time, I forget how to truly be a person of faith.

Little or big, Holy Spirit, help me walk by YOUR sight and live the gift of life by YOUR gift of faith.  May I never forget and fall back into that same failed lifestyle.

You are awesome, Holy Spirit!

Love, Mark

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Pool Party Extravaganza

August 17, 2009 at 3:30 pm (Uncategorized)

Last night we had an awesome time at BBQ Pool Party.  Over 100 students gathered at the Holland’s house who graciously opened up their home for us to come and spend the evening at.  Here are some pictures from the event that we thought we would share with everyone!

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Extended Recap Video

August 17, 2009 at 12:53 pm (Uncategorized)

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The Officers Rewind Service Intro

August 17, 2009 at 12:07 pm (Uncategorized)

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Come One, Come All…

August 11, 2009 at 9:04 am (Uncategorized)

Photo 38This Sunday we are having a Rewind service at 11am in the Back Room, where the normal Junior High service is located.  This service is a way to remember and praise God for the amazing ways He worked this year at camp.  We are inviting our parents to come and hear about the different stories that happened, witness the extended recap video for the whole week, worship with our Peak worship band and hear a challenge by yours truly!  I hope you will come and spread the word that God did a great work at the Peak and we want to share it with you and all the parents!

See you on Sunday,

Pastor Mark

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The Officers: Season 1

August 9, 2009 at 8:39 am (Uncategorized)

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Thursday Recap Video

August 7, 2009 at 7:57 pm (Uncategorized)

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Home, Sweet, Home

August 7, 2009 at 7:44 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 400Well I’m home and just had a HOT shower to work out all the soreness from one tubing experience and a whole lot of loading and unloading luggage, band equipment, stage equipment and even furniture!  I love the feeling of home.  I can’t tell you how much having normal food is a good thing.  It doesn’t take more than an hour for home to settle in and camp starts becoming a more and more distant memory.

However, this makes me sad on so many levels.  The theme of looking at David’s life has been so good for me.  Watching your kids fall in love with God’s word and the new direction of our ministry(and our church for that matter!) was a thrill a minute.  Did you know that more than half the kids at the camp made a decision to ask someone to be discipled by them?  I can’t truly explain how outside the box this truly is.  11 year old students heard God call them to ask a friend if they can help them imitate Christ as they have learned to imitate Christ(1 Corithians 11:1) and the askee accepted!  Do you realize how transformed our ministry will be as these students disciple one another and it spreads to their schools and sports teams and neighborhoods and beyond?  This is nothing but a huge God movement in which the Holy Spirit is organically using the little children, metaphorically speaking, to confound the wise and learned(like us adults!).

As you watch your kids come home and drift into normalcy, why not ask them and see if they decided to disciple or be discipled.  If they answer in the affirmative, encourage them and empower them to succeed.  They need our support and coaching to keep this movement alive.  It’s why we are here as parents, to develop a love for God that lasts for life.

We also want to help our kids keep discipling after camp too.  As a result, we will no longer be doing a Roots Bible discussion on Sundays in August, but in its place we will be doing discipleship coaching for our students and staff at 6-7pm on the next 4 Sundays in August at the Student Ministry Offices at the Swamp in the NE corner of the church property.  We will be allowing our students to debrief their efforts at discipling and give tips and pointers that will help them to move forward in this vital mission.

Thanks for letting your kids come to camp!  They blessed my socks off!

Pastor Mark

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ryan christian rosas

August 6, 2009 at 9:06 pm (Uncategorized)

here at camp i have learned that GPhoto 93od did die on the cross for our sins and it does not matter what other people think of you just what god thinks some  people think that you can go to heaven just for doing good deeds but to go to heaven you must believe that God did die for our sins

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My Tubing Experience

August 6, 2009 at 7:55 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 91I love camp!  Even though I sit in pain as I write this, I love camp!

I grew up with a ski boat so I have hit the water in more intensity then yesterday, and I have done more dangerous things on the water.  But, yesterday was different.  I think that as my body flew off the 3 person tube, the age of my body made the outcome a little different:)  When I landed in the water and came up for air, all I heard were the girls saying, “that was great!”  And all I could get out of my mouth was, “I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe.”  And even though it was fun, I knew that something was not right.  So after a painful walk up to my room, I was off to see the doctor in Yelm.

So after an excruciatingly painful wait in the lobby I was seen by a doctor.  She proceeded to look my back over.  To my relief she told me nothing was broken or cracked. She told me I had a major muscle spasm.  She then told me what I need to do is rest, rest rest.  Me?  At camp?  As the director?  As the person who longs for this week all year?  What?

However, I am grateful that I am okay and that all I need to do is take muscle relaxers.  As the day has passed, my pain has decreased.  Now don’t get me wrong, I hurt, but I literally feel God healing me at camp.

So camp may not have turned out the way I planned, but I rest in the fact that God is in control like he always is!

I just want you to know that we have had fun with your students, we have laughed, we have worshiped, we have learned, we have tubed,  and we have been changed.   God is good, all the time God is good.

It is a priviledge to be a part of God working!  See you tomorrow.

Jen Gulbrandson

PS:  Mom, I am really okay. D and Miss M I love you and can’t wait to see you.

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August 6, 2009 at 4:35 pm (Uncategorized)

hey  guys how is it going i am having so much fun

love lauren

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Laura’s Great Experience

August 6, 2009 at 4:10 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 87Hey everyone,

I can’t wait to see you. But at the same time I really want to stay and learn more about God. I’m also sad that I have a 3 hour ride back. Also Olivia and I are having so much fun in my thinking. Mom, Dad, and Mckenna I’ll call you before we leave and pray that I have a good nights sleep so I’m not cranky. We only get 7 hours of sleep not including the part that we talk before we go to bed.

love you guys

Laura Grace

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August 6, 2009 at 3:25 pm (Uncategorized)

Hey this is me mikaela, i’m from the 6h grade camp we had alot of fun!!!!

Photo 85

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August 6, 2009 at 3:19 pm (Uncategorized)

we have had lots of fun we have been on all of the water toys!

we have gone off site boating, rock climbing and horseback riding but i could not reach where you put your feet on the saddle so i did not want to go because i was falling off of the horse!

hope you all are having fun at home cant wait to see you on friday!

brittney whitlock

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The Peak’s got talent

August 6, 2009 at 2:12 pm (Uncategorized)

photos from Talent show by Deanette

<table cellspacing=”0″ cellpadding=”0″ border=”0″ bgcolor=”#ffffff”><tr><td><ahref=”” target=”_blank”><img width=”420″ height=”330″ alt=”Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: peaks got talent” src=”” style=”border: medium none ;”/></a></td></tr><tr><td><a href=”” target=”_blank”><img width=”420″ height=”46″ alt=”Create your own slideshow – Powered by Smilebox” src=”” style=”border: medium none ;”/></a></td></tr><tr><td align=”center”><a href=”” target=”_blank”>Make a Smilebox slideshow</a></td></tr></table>

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It’s Thursday at Camp

August 6, 2009 at 10:38 am (Uncategorized)

Photo 84Over the years, Jen has coined the phrase “Thursday at camp” as a way of showing how much life relaxes for those of us behind the scenes on our final full day at camp.  By this time in the week, we’ve gotten so set in the routine of the daily buzz that we can relax and enjoy camp for what it is- a chance to get to know your awesome students.

It’s been a joy for me to learn all about your students as we make friendship bracelets, play night games and just hang out during free time.  I’ve loved watching them respond to Mark’s messages and open up to each other and their leaders over the course of the week.  There are a lot of things I love about camp- somehow oatmeal here tastes so much better than at home- but what brings me back each year is the experience of seeing God move in my own life while simultaneously moving in these junior highers.  While I may come home physically and emotionally exhaused, spiritually, I am renewed and inspired.  You have some pretty amazing students.

There have now been ten “Thursdays at camp” and this one feels just like the first one did.  Even though I was only a 7th grader then, I still remember the genuine community and hilariousity that occurs on Thursdays.  Not only does life get a bit easier on the logistics side of things, but Thursday showcases camp at it’s best.  Everything is funnier, crazier and more ridiculous- not only due to lack of sleep, but also because everyone realizes that tomorrow we head back to the real world, and while a part of us looks forward to seeing those we’ve missed, a part of us is left here in Yelm.

I’m headed out onto the tubes this afternoon and am hoping that my 21-year old body can handle it a little better than these old folks I work with 🙂  Jen and Kate are back in action- although taking things slowly.  Just another example of how committed these Godly women are to loving on your students.

Now it’s time to go enjoy the rest of Thursday.

-Vickie Chambers, Summer Staff

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The Face Of Fear

August 6, 2009 at 10:02 am (Uncategorized)

face of fear 01Control is a funny thing.  When you have it, it takes a lot of worry away.  When you don’t have it, your confidence can be shaken to the point of panic.  Another thought I had is that being in control can make dependence much more difficult.  A lesson I learned yesterday in a whole new way.

Yesterday I rode a triple tube for the first time ever here at camp.  Although I have driven numerous kids and family members to feats of wild crashing and high speed corners, I didn’t truly empathize with my many passengers.  However, when I got on that tube, all my bravery melted away.  I was full of fear.  I wish I wasn’t, but I was afraid and not in control of the boat.  I wasn’t in control of the waves.  I wasn’t in control of the other tube.  I was just out there, in the hands of God and the driver.  And believe me, the 10 minutes I was riding were the longest 10 minutes of my life.  A couple of times the tube launched into the air and I quickly thought that might be the time I get tossed off and thrown all over the other students.  But that didn’t happen.  I went sliding quickly over the side of the wake on a high speed corner and fully expected to go so fast that the tube roll, but it didn’t.  Finally it ended and I was truly finished with riding.  I was one and done with regard to tubing, but I did have a good time.

All my fears may have been realized if I would have had a major crash(I can now sympathize with what happened to Jen and Kate), but I didn’t.  I wasn’t in control and I made it.  The next day and no one remembers my ride, but I do.  It will stick in my memory for the rest of my life.  It gave me an understanding of the relationship between control and dependence in a whole new way.  God is so great in how he teaches us these lessons in the various events and ordinariness of real life.  I love the God of the impossible because he is also the God of the little things too!

Pastor Mark

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August 6, 2009 at 8:44 am (Uncategorized)

Photo 73How can I be alive still?  Parents, it probably seems like you just dropped off your wee ones just yesterday, but over here time runs differently.  It’s been about a month of fun and non-stop action.  I had stated earlier that we were getting used to walking with flies attached to our skin.  I must have been sleep-typing.  I am so done with the fly family.  Last night was an amazing worship with the band and group time under Mark’s teaching.  The students are really bonding and sharing their lives together.  The biggest injuries during free time were with the staff, but we are still kicking.  Skits?  So funny.  Gunnar can burp the whole alphabet in one “gulp.”  We are positive because he did an encore.  The medalian that the staff hid at the beginning of the week was found this morning by a group of unsuspecting 6th grade girls.  Yes, one is  related to Jen, but there is no clause that states she is disqualified, so it’s legit.  Well, gotta go digest these tofu-like eggs I ate for breakfast!

Until later,  Wendy

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Wednesday Recap Video

August 6, 2009 at 7:52 am (Uncategorized)

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Friends and Fun at Camp

August 5, 2009 at 10:13 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 89Hi from Kaela and Cedra!

I am so very thankful that God has given us friendships that are growing stronger. The messages here are so powerful! We are having so much fun and do not want to leave!!!

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Wow, God, Wow!

August 5, 2009 at 9:33 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 82I’m amazed every time the Holy Spirit floods the room and does the unexpected.  During the worship following the message I invited the kids to come and confess together with someone they trust.  I truly didn’t expect how many kids would come up.  The cross was literally flooded with students who were convicted by the hidden sin in their lives.  They came and did real business with God.  Do you know what they found?  They found healing and forgiveness.  Praise God for he never gives up on any of us.  I’m loving this holy time with these precious kids and amazing staff!  This is truly HOLY ground, I wish you all could be here.

Pastor Mark

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Laura’s Great Experience

August 5, 2009 at 9:18 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 78Mom, Dad, and Mckenna,

I’m having a blast. I made a huge decision to be a mighty follower of God. I feel so great and I can’t wait to see you guys! I love you and hope you are doing as well as I’m. I miss you guys so much and I can’t wait to sleep outside with everyone. The hot tub sounds like so much fun. It was such a cool day we had some girls getting baptized and Mark the preacher is so amazing he has truly moved me. My cabin mates and counselors are so kind and selfless. We all mostly get along. We are having our own little America’s Got Talent. I’m in it with a girl who wanted to do cartwheels. Jen the main leader hurt her back and so she’s in bed relaxing. I met an 8th grader who I just clicked with. We get along so well. I love her to death. I thinking about asking her to be my penpal since she lives in Sherwood :{ I can’t wait to sleep with Fern and Phoebe. I miss you guys.

Laura Grace

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At The Peek

August 5, 2009 at 9:12 pm (Uncategorized)

The peek is so much fun. I did the Paintball activity and I got hit a lot, but no bruises. Also it was cool. The blob was awesome.

Brayden Hirt

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this week

August 5, 2009 at 9:07 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 77oh my gosh im having so much fun here! on sunday night we played a super fun night game and on monday i went rock climbing, so scary! on tuesday i played paint ball. and today i did nothing. ive loved the worship time and is great. im so sad im going home on friday. the peak rocks!!!!!!!

dustin hannifan

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Awesome Week at The Peak

August 5, 2009 at 9:03 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 76This has been an awesome week. Iwent paintballing for the first time tuesday. It was AWESOME!!!!!! I gave full control to God tonight. I gave everything to him!

Collin Matthias

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The Peak

August 5, 2009 at 8:59 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 75this has been one the best weeks of the summer, there was lots of fun stuff to do, like the blob, tubeing, looking for the medallion which hasn’t been found, and paint balling. THE PEAK ROCKS!!!!

Gunnar Maples

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August 5, 2009 at 8:53 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 74it was the best time i was every tubeing ever! iwas scared at first but then then i was comfortable. i when on the sting ray tube and at the last part me and spencer fliped! that gave me energy for worship and the rest of the time.

Micki Seigneur

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Great Friends = Great Ministry

August 5, 2009 at 8:10 pm (Uncategorized)

Today  was one of those days that I was constantly reminded of how blessed I am to not only work with my close friends Mark and Jen, but how I am also blessed with godly friendships with me who love Jesus.  Today we had some fellow RHCC staff and former interns visit camp to see how things were going.  Taylor Straton, Chris Nye, and John Finnerty have all served in the Jr. High as an intern at some point over the past 3 years.  And each of those years have served faithfully here at camp.  Not only did they come up and hang out with us today, but they partook in the worship with the rest of the band with no instruments other than their heart and zeal for worship.  It was so contagious and the students responded in a way that only can be accredited to the Holy Spirit.  The worship this morning was not only a great time of worship, but also a great time celebrating what God was doing and preparing us to go and watch many of our students be baptized this morning.

We are praising God for what he has done today in the baptisms and also for His hedge of protection over Jen Gulbrandson and my wife Kate as they were involved in a tubing accident on the lake today.   They have returned from the urgent care with some muscle spasms and a very minor concussion.  We were fearful of broken ribs and a more serious concussion, but the Lord protected them and with the help of some muscle relaxers, they are feeling much better 🙂

Tonight we have our traditional talent show “The Peak’s Got Talent”.  It’s always fun to see the students gather and showcase their talents.  It’s always a great time as a camp to come together and laugh, encourage, and love on each other in this capacity. I can’t believe that tomorrow is our last full day! Time truly flies when you are having fun!

I couldn’t have imagined a better group of students for this week of camp, more godly small group leaders, and a more committed and loving staff as the team that I am blessed to be a part of.

Pastor Tyler

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The Healing Power Of Confession

August 5, 2009 at 7:34 pm (Uncategorized)

cross 3James 5:16 says that we should confess our sins to each other and pray for each other so we can be healed.  How revolutionary would that be to take James’ words seriously and regularly do this in our services and ministries and even personally in life?  Tonight we are focusing our attention on David’s mega sin with Bathsheba from 2 Samuel 11.  Hidden sins are a challenge for everyone.  When David tried to hide his sin, he kept it hidden, but paid a huge personal cost.  My desire tonight is to see students coming forward to the cross, bringing a friend with them that they trust, praying together to find healing for the hidden sins in their life.  Taking this truth to heart, I believe our group of students and staff will be bonded together and full of life after this experience.  Taking God’s word at face value is always the best possible way to live.  Count on it!

Pastor Mark

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My Soul Cries Out

August 5, 2009 at 7:04 pm (Uncategorized)

The other night while we were worshiping, the band did a guitar solo. I thought I heard people singing and talking but no one had their mouths open. It was people worshiping, but not physical worshiping. It was something beyond that, in a realm that no one can really understand while we are in this earth. Even though I couldn’t understand it, it was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever heard. I am so grateful that God allowed me to hear it, if even for one second. The Holy Spirit is real, and He is here.

Keep on glowing in the dark,


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Bring on the “Mighty Men”

August 5, 2009 at 5:19 pm (Uncategorized)

Had an awesome experience today taking some kids out to play paint-ball. GREAT time. When we were walking over there were those that hadn’t done it before that you could tell were pretty nervous, like scared little kids. When we got done it was like they all grew up, laughing about how they got hit, who they shot, etc. PLEASE GOD! Give us more opportunities to make these young men into men … real men … that will run headlong into danger to save someone, then feel secure enough in themselves to weep over loss … men that will take on tough problems, yet be gentle & caring parents. We’re missing the mark when we think that Christian Men need to be timid & studious. He made us to “… lead with firmness, then submit with humility. They can challenge with a cutting edge, then encourage with enthusiasm. They can fight agressively for just causes, then moments later weep over suffering.” (quoting Bill Hybels)

For myself, growing up it was a very hard to deal with things going on in the world, at school, and at home/church. They seemed so in conflict with each other, when they’re really not. Let’s encourage our young men to grow up into real men. I have 4 daughters, and that’s what I want for them … real men that love Jesus with all their hearts and have the courage to stand as a beacon of light, the courage to stand up when the circumstances are difficult, the courage to stand & lead as Jesus asks us to … and are the ‘servant leaders’ of their families, that love their wives & children more than themselves. Thank you Lord for the learning opportunities going on here at The Peak!!!

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Cascades Camp Newz 4 Kidz!!!!

August 5, 2009 at 4:55 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 66Hey every body! I’m writing to you from the beautiful Yelm Washington forest at Cascades Camp for RHCC! I’m having tons of fun going on: the Blob, sliding down the Iceberg, going tubing in the lake rapids and horseback riding at Sun Rise Ranch. I have the best counslers in the whole world and I love hanging out with my cabin people, too.


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More Picture from Camp via Deanette’s camera

August 5, 2009 at 2:01 pm (Uncategorized)

Here are so<table cellspacing=”0″ cellpadding=”0″ border=”0″ bgcolor=”#ffffff”><tr><td><a href=”” target=”_blank”><img width=”420″ height=”330″ alt=”Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: ” src=”” style=”border: medium none ;”/></a></td></tr><tr><td><a href=”” target=”_blank”><img width=”420″ height=”46″ alt=”Create your own slideshow – Powered by Smilebox” src=”” style=”border: medium none ;”/></a></td></tr><tr><td align=”center”><a href=”” target=”_blank”>Make a Smilebox slideshow</a></td></tr></table>me shots during games and baptism time.

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August 5, 2009 at 12:58 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 58I baptized my daughter, Calli, this morning!  So happy for her to make that decision to follow Christ on her own!  I’m ignoring the fact that she is chasing a counselor right now with a water bottle full of toilet water.  I know her heart is right 🙂  We are cloudy today and praying for sun.  Please send sun!


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Maddie Maier’s Camp experience

August 5, 2009 at 12:55 pm (Uncategorized)

The Peak has been a great experience! The services at the quad are touching, and will surely change and deepen your relationship with God. I’ve also had a blast here! So far I’ve been boating, horseback riding, played lots of games and have just hung out with my friends. The Peak is the best camp EVER!!!

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God is Good!!!

August 5, 2009 at 11:47 am (Uncategorized)

Wow God has really used me this week and i am having a blast! Before i came to camp i had prayed about God using me in a great way and he has………. we adopted a guys cabin that was having a hard time and we having been working with them and they have changed a lot!!! Praise God!!!! ………………..Other than God using me in a great way i am having a great time making new friends and building a stronger relationship with God!!!

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Baptism Morning

August 5, 2009 at 9:23 am (Uncategorized)

This morning we are going down to the waterfront and a group of students will be going public with their faith and getting baptized.  The life we live by faith is full of many small steps.  I’m really proud of the girls who are getting baptized today.  They each have a heart to follow Jesus with their whole life.  Before we go down, we will be worshipping together, having a special presentation by Patrick and Lance’s cabin and then I will be sharing about how David was a man after God’s own heart.  He is the only person in the Bible who is called by that designation.  As these girls take this step of obedience to the way of Jesus, they are showing that they have a heart that is learning to follow in every way.

Here are the girls who are getting baptized:  Calli L, Chloe F, Tabitha C, Avery L, Mikaela B, Courtney H, Ellie J, Elora P, Alyssa N, Madi C and Kate W.

Every time we have a baptism I love how the testimony of life-change and commitment comes to the forefront of the whole camp.  Whether many or few, baptism is a time to remember about commitments made long ago that still matter today.  Pray for us as we practice this sacred activity today at 11am.

Pastor Mark

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God Moves In His Time

August 5, 2009 at 8:49 am (Uncategorized)

Photo 48Last night God did a wonderful work during our Quad Time.  I loved sharing about a powerful part of David’s story and how God wants these kids to be a new generation of mighty men and women.  To watch close to half the camp go and pray with their leader was thrilling to say the least.  As their leaders are helping them to stay with this commitment, the proof of the impact will be on how long it lasts.  Junior High kids are notorious for being highly sensitive to responding to God, but poor on follow-through.  In fact, last night one of my leaders got the privilege of praying with a girl and no sooner than the walk back to their lodge the girl was right back to her old ways.  Be praying that this is not typical, but the exception to the rule.

Pastor Mark

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Tuesday Recap Video

August 4, 2009 at 10:46 pm (Uncategorized)

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The Worship Team This Year…

August 4, 2009 at 10:44 pm (Uncategorized)

One of the highlights of camp for me personally is not just our time of worship that we have with the students, but my friends who serve with me on the worship team each day.

Zach King – This is Zach’s first year serving at camp since he was here as a student.  Zach is playing the keyboard and organ and it’s been fun having him here.  Zach is going to be a sophomore in the fall down at Biola.  Zach is not only talents in the areas of music, but he’s got a gift for video and video editing.  Him and David have been putting together a series of their own videos each day for the campers.  We will have these up soon for your viewing pleasure.

David Zaganiacz – David returns this year on the electric guitar.  David is an awesome guy who love Jesus and is constantly studying the word and desiring to know more about theology.  He brings so much wisdom to team and has a great sense of humor to back it up.

Emilee Beachy – This is her first year here at camp in this capacity.  Not only is she ridiculously talented, but she knows how to bring the funk on the bass guitar.  She has served in the Jr. High weekend services and sunday nights programs for the past three years and it’s such a blessing to have her on the team this year.

Jacob Taylor – Mr. Taylor, a junior at Tualatin High School, is assuming the role of lead guitarist and violinists as well.  Jacob is talented at everything he touches and has such a humble heart in the way he serves.  Sometimes I think he has more creativity and energy then he knows what to do with. Needless to say, there is never a dull or quiet moment when he is around!  I’m really pumped that he’s a part of the team this year.

Garrett Strudler – The man that is the glue that brings all of us together is him.  Garrett is drumming for us and couldn’t think of a better guy to have on the team.  Not only does he play drums, but he plays bass, video production, and sound mixing.   This is his 8th or 9th year at the Peak.  He is the veteran of our volunteer team.

Kate Eaton – Besides being biased about her being the best and most attractive singer ever, Kate has also served in some sort of capacity here at Jr. High camp over the past 9 years in either a leader, singer, builder, or assistant leader here at camp.  This year Kate (my wife) is not only singing on the team but she is also a builder for half of our girl leaders.  She does such an amazing job listening and building into these women.  She never ceases to amaze me.

Chris Chong – Chong is one of a kind.  He is our sound guy for the week and he’s doing an incredible job not only mixing our sound, but mixing with the students.  He aims for perfection and so I know that our program times are in good hands.  I always enjoying serving with Chris.  He also has been around for several years both here at camp and our jr. high weekend programs.

and last but not least…

Lexie Began – Lexie has been my life saver this week.  She has stepped in to oversee all of our media needs.  She has been the one who has been putting together all of our recap videos for the week and running our media during worship.  She is such a hard worker and loves to serve behind the scenes.  Camp has been as smooth as it has because of her.

We have completed 5 of our 9 sessions and the Lord has moved mightily through each and every one.

Please continue to be praying for us as we lead these students each night and morning in worship.  Pray that the Lord continues to unite as a team and that the we approach each session with the heart and motives that God desires from us.

It’s such an honor to be used by God in this role.  Thank you so much for allowing your students to be a part of this very special week.  Amazing things are taking place and we’re only half way there!

Pastor Tyler

P.S.  It’s nearly 11 and i’ve been up since the wee hours.  So please pardon my typing and grammar. It  never was one of my strengths! 🙂

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Night Games!!

August 4, 2009 at 10:33 pm (Uncategorized)

One of my main jobs this summer has been planning the activities for camp- which includes the night games.  160 students, 45 leaders, trees, buildings and the pure darkness makes for an interesting combination and a lot of potential injuries.  No worries though, the medics tell me we’ve sucessfully survived the week without any major injuries- something I’ve been praying for a lot over the last few weeks.  One of my favorite things is to watch the students and leaders get more and more excited and energized to participate in these games as the week goes on.  Each year we try to come up with different themes to help encourage participation and this year was no different.  Since our theme was X and X marks the spot of the treasure chest, I decided to go with a pirate theme!  Each one of the night games has a theme following one of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, and tonight the crew of the Flying Dutchman (the boys) faced off against the Black Pearl (the girls) in an intense game of capture the flag… and I’m proud to announce that the girls dominated 🙂  After ten years, I’ve finally convinced Jen to participate in the night games, and while her interpretation of “pirate” might be a little off, hey, at least she’s trying.

Photo 61

Tomorrow night I’m sure you’ll find Mark’s play by play of the Peak’s Got Talent (formerly known as the Ocho Showcho) and I can’t wait to see what your students have to offer.  I’m never disappointed.

Signing off for the night-

Vickie Chambers, Summer Staff

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Cool counselor #2

August 4, 2009 at 9:44 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 58Yep.  Still alive.  Covered with bites.  In annoying areas.  Like pinky toes and the back of knees.  So fun!  Tonight we had quite the worship time with amazing changes in the students.  They are getting it-worship is coming into God’s presence.  Right now kids are running around with glow-in-the-dark bracelets and necklaces outlining the sprinkler heads.  Even if it doesn’t seem like it, we want minimal injuries.  Our game has to do with the Flying Dutchman and the Black Pearl (our version of capture the flag, boys vs. girls).  The last night game.  Good for staff, unfortunate for kiddos.  Hence, I’m blogging.  Has anyone mentioned the flies?  They are like vultures.  I feel like we are in Africa, as we are now accustomed to them landing on us (I think my usual number I give a ride to is 3 or 4 at a time).  Great day with crazy kids ruling the place, the sun burning our old burns from yesterday, and some naps were even had.  The sun finally came through after breakfast, so prayers for a beautiful day are appreciated for tomorrow.  My daughter, Calli, is getting baptized in the morning!!!  So cool!  Until next time, I’m off to join the chaos.  I mean pandamonium.  If you are wondering what song will be running through my head as we drift off to sleep in a few hours, it will be, “Yo Ho Yo Ho, A Pirate’s Life For Me.”


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misc. pictures from camp (taken by Deanette)

August 4, 2009 at 6:06 pm (Uncategorized)

Hey, click on this link to see a slideshow of pictures from camp so far…mostly of my 6th grade girls group…Maddie, Alyssa, Sophia, Avery, Marisa, Taylor, Madison, Julia and co leader. Mary…hope this works, if not check facebook…Deanette Marvin


<table cellspacing=”0″ cellpadding=”0″ border=”0″ bgcolor=”#ffffff”><tr><td><a href=”” target=”_blank”><img width=”420″ height=”330″ alt=”Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: ” src=”” style=”border: medium none ;”/></a></td></tr><tr><td><a href=”” target=”_blank”><img width=”420″ height=”46″ alt=”Create your own slideshow – Powered by Smilebox” src=”” style=”border: medium none ;”/></a></td></tr><tr><td align=”center”><a href=”” target=”_blank”>Make a Smilebox slideshow</a></td></tr></table>

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Camp for Laura and Olivia

August 4, 2009 at 4:19 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 60I love camp! It has been so fun and great laughs! Yesterday we went on a inner tube banana on the lake and fell in twice! Our group is the best and I got everyone I wanted! I love my new counslers they are the best counslers here this week!  Today was a low key day for us both! And I have learned alot! Camp is great!


I am so happy I came. I can’t wait to come home and see everyone{Fern.} Flies are everywhere and I got stung on my toosh by a bee cause I sat on it. hahaha! I love my counslers they rock and are so easy going and easy to talk to. i have learned alot and wanted to cry it was such a great sermin. I cant wait to come back. PLEASE!

I love you guys can’t wait to see you!


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Hello Oregon…

August 4, 2009 at 3:45 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 59Hey its Spencer Kupish

Life is great. Mark’s speeches are amazing, touching my life. sweet had to share!! woohooo don’t wanta come home.

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To Be Mighty…

August 4, 2009 at 3:31 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 39Tonight’s message is about the mighty men of David, who followed him when he was running from King Saul for his life.  They came to him as social rejects, but became his most trusted, amazing warriors.  Can you imagine the transformation of an indebted reject who leaves the history he created with all the baggage of discouragement and aimlessness and follows a person who is embodying the very thing he was leaving behind?

What made this David, before he became king, worth following?  Was it the heroic defeat of Goliath?  Maybe it was the outstanding songs that he wrote that must have been used to express the feelings of those around him.  Or, maybe it was the way God’s spirit drew certain guys who God saw potential in.  Potential to change.  Potential to make a difference.  Potential to be world impacters.

That is what tonight is all about.  Calling these students to become then next generation of the Mighty men and women for this time in history is what makes a night like tonight exceedingly special.  Last year we saw a couple of students make commitments that lasted all year during school.  But that was then and this is now.  Who is God calling out?  Who will say “Yes” to the challenge to step out and stick out of the crowd?  Pray for us tonight and believe in faith that the Spirit will call some unusual and unexpected choices boys and girls to be Mighty…

Pastor Mark

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Lexy’s Story

August 4, 2009 at 1:23 pm (Uncategorized)


My name is Lexy. I’m going into 7th grade and this year camp has been a lot of fun. We’ve made lots of bracelets and played Poker with candy. Today I got sick and it wasn’t fun. But, now I feel amazing. Today we are going offsite boating at two thirty. It was cold this morning but now it is warmer. Yesterday I bought a Freezer. The Quad is very big. That is where we do worship and listen to Mark speak. Nisqually is where we eat, it is very big too. In my cabin is me, Stephanie, Toni, Chantel, Justine, Emily, Haily, and Taylor. I have learned about David and Goliath and how we shouldn’t compromise like David dare a bunk with Chantel and I am on the bottom. I id when he ran to the Philistines. We have a sixth grade buddy cabin. There are nine of them. Yesterda we did their hair and makeup. I did McKenna‘s hair and it was awesome. I made like a web of braids and I as proud of myself. Everynight for the night games we put two black lines under our eyes and dres in all black. Last night I got points and collected paperclips from a person who was glowing. I got sent to jail twice. The first time I had to do star jumps and yell, “I’m a star!” The second time I had to yell, “I love my counslors!” Ten times. When I took the swim test I got shark which is the best one. It means I can swim wherever I want.

Lexy Read the rest of this entry »

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August 4, 2009 at 1:00 pm (Uncategorized)

Hi people!

I have never blogged before, so I don’t know what to say. I am going to try. Peak is awesome so far. We have adopted a six grade cabin. So far we have done hair, nails, and make up, but we are going boating later today. They are amazing! I probably gained twenty pounds from all the candy I have eaten, but I lose it from just walking up to our cabin.


,Stephie Stamnes

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Half-way through Peak

August 4, 2009 at 9:36 am (Uncategorized)

Photo 56Camp Peak has ben a lot of fun. I have been blobbing, which is a big air bag on top of the lake that we swim in and we jump onto the blob and the person at the end of the blob goes flying off the end into the water. I hurt my ankle when i jumped onto the blob so i could not run down to get a counselor when my mom called my friends mom because she was worried about me because i could never get ahold of her when calling. (i always got the answering machine) but just last night i finally got to talk to her because she answered the phone (she said she has been sitting by the phone for 6 hours) and now i am not so home-sick. I have had a lot of fun here at camp peak so far, except for the long stressing time with the phone and running up and down the hill.

-Marisa Bischel

The bus ride over here was tragic it took 3 and a half hours to just get here but after that it was pretty awesome!

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Awkward Transitions with Jen

August 4, 2009 at 7:49 am (Uncategorized)

Photo 55

So I am finally sitting down to write.  Camp is off and running and it has been amazing so far.

First, I got the great privilege of riding the bus in very warm conditions that cause you to stick to the seats:) But, we all arrived safe and sound.  In fact it was so smooth that at one point I was worried we may arrive at camp too early.

Yesterday was also great.  I got to see students engage with morning worship, hear all about great morning small groups from the leaders, and send off campers to a variety of free time activities.  There is so much to do that we will send each student home very tired.

One of my roles at camp is to give announcements.  And after a very powerful time of worship, Mark’s real and hard hitting message, and more worship, I got to get up and say insignificant things…we call this time “Awkward Transitions with Jen.”  How do you transition to instructions on games without awkwardness?  In fact, the students seem to get a kick out of it.  As they see me approach the stage they yell out, “awkward transitions with Jen!”  It helps ease the moment of tension I feel.

So last night before I gave my announcements about sign ups and med call, I said, “God is good.”  And they said, “All the time!”  God is good and He is all the time.  He is doing great things and it is such a joy to be a part of it all.

Filling the void with akwardness,


PS:  D and Miss M, I miss you and love you very much!

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Monday in Review…

August 3, 2009 at 10:34 pm (Uncategorized)

What a great first full day at camp!  So many memories and activities took place.  It’s exciting to listen to the stories of the students and leaders and hear how God is stretching and using people this week. Keep the prayers coming and we’ll keep the updates flowing!

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A day in the life of Shannon…at The Peak

August 3, 2009 at 10:26 pm (Uncategorized)

Hello readers.  Today was the first “offical” day of camp.  I am having a BLAST.  My role here at camp is to lug large tubs of tie dye around to various places, and take orders from Vickie Chambers.  Its a pretty awesome job.  I  spent 4 hours down at the waterfront in the sun and proceded to get burned. Oh well. It will be tan tomorrow…or that’s what I am telling myself.  I was in charge of sending 11 students out to have an amazing time on the lake tubing.  Everyone had so much fun!  I also got to go check out the climbing wall.  It is awesome.  Then, I helped fold tie dyed t-shirts…there are 160 of them.  There is nothing I love more than serving the Lord by serving behind the scenes.  The night games are the best.  I get to keep score and tell kids to find paperclips.  CAMP ROCKS!  All your kiddos are in good hands.  Til later.  Shannon Waritz

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Fun in the Sun

August 3, 2009 at 10:18 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 54The day started with a beautiful cool breeze as we wok up early for leaders Bible Study and then breakfast with the girls.  My cabin is awesome ; a group of 7th grade girls who Love the Lord and have been at Rolling Hills for quite sometime.  They have such close friendships and great stories to share and know each other well.  They all have a servant’s heart and quickly adopted a 6th grade girls group that they met up with at the rest area for a game of red rover.  Today we did makeovers with the younger girls who are so thankful and showed their appreciation by praying over us at meal time.  My girls are Taylor, Lexi, Haley, Emily, Chantel, Stephanie, Antonia, and Justine and i am so privileged to spend the week with them.

In Christ’s love,


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From a cool counselor

August 3, 2009 at 10:02 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 58So.  Do I mind being bitten through my pants?  Not at all.  The 2 matching welts on my buns and the offsetting one on my thigh aren’t big enough to send me home.  Yet.  What about the girls who haven’t cleaned our room?  It’s kinda cute how they can change clothes (and trade) 12x/day.  Did you know that mildew can form in the first 8 hrs?  I love to learn new things like that…  Wow.  It’s super hot, too.  It’s better than rain, huh?  I’m writing this as the kids are running as fast as they can in the dark through gravel outside while trying to accomplish an unending impossible task that none of us know either.  So.  About camp.  The leader stash is a life-saver.  Please send more donations.  Oh ya.  Camp.  Kelsey and I have a mixed cabin of 7/8 grade girls.  9 of them.  Yes, we counted because it seems like 15 sometimes 🙂  Just kidding.  Kids went rock climbing, boating, blobbing, ice-berg jumping, random sports, friendship bracelets, paintballing, and screaming through the camp.  We are burned, tired, and hydrated.  So excited that the campers will fall fast asleep ~3 hrs. sooner than our previous record.  Thanks for sending these precious students to camp this year.  I can’t speak for all the leaders, but Kelsey and I will continue our bikini covering, hydrating, and laugh making experience all week long.  Oh.  And we are having a blast 🙂

Wendy Luikart

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Message from the Medics….

August 3, 2009 at 9:28 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 53*To the tune of “12 days of christmas”

– 5 hornet stings

-4 bloody knees

-3 headaches

-2 pulled muscles

-and ooonnneee BIG sliverrrrr

All is well, your kids are healthy and God is awesome, what more do we need!?

Lots of love from the Medics

-Darla and Sarah 🙂

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God Worked In A Cool Way

August 3, 2009 at 9:09 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 44Just wanted to interject a quick report from tonight’s Quad Time.  We had some great adjustments from the students while we were worshipping and they really seemed to do better at focusing on God instead of their own rowdiness.  I was impressed at how fast the Holy Spirit changed kids from the way things had been to being different.

During the response to the message, I saw close to 30 kids go and pray with their leader about a huge problem in their life.  I heard about one kid who shared that he decided to follow Christ for the first time tonight.  What joy in heaven is happening right now!  Praise God that he uses ordinary people like us to change lives and be used to make an eternal difference!

God is rocking in an amazing way!

Pastor Mark

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Night #2

August 3, 2009 at 7:37 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 47By the way, did I say yet how much I totally appreciate the prayer support you as parents and family and friends have given us while we are here at camp.  God is working and your prayers are vital to us seeing lives transformed even hour by hour.  Please keep it up!

Just to give you a head’s up.  We just finished our leader’s meeting and a big topic of conversation was how the students are worshipping.  It’s really hard when we see an enthusiasm that seems more about being hyper than about being excited in a genuine way about the Lord.  How we handle it and how God’s Spirit changes the hearts and lives of the students and leaders remains to be seen, but please pray for us to have wisdom.  We don’t want to do anything that will diminish the enthusiasm.  But, we want to show these kids how to focus worship on the Lord who made us to be worshippers!

Tonight’s message will be on Goliath and David and how to slay the monster problems in your life.  I’m trusting that these kids will see how David had faith on how to deal with small problems long before he ever had the opportunity to confront Goliath.  Kids will get the opportunity to pray with their leader and share with them a fear or problem that they are struggling with.  Pray that they will have the honesty to get real with God and share openly with their leader and allow their leader to intercede for their need.

Well, it’s time for worship and I’m pumped about what God is going to do tonight…

Pastor Mark

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True Oregonians

August 3, 2009 at 5:27 pm (Uncategorized)

Hey all-  Vickie here.

This morning’s activity was TIE DYE!!  Each camper got to dye their camp shirt and after an afternoon of rinsing them all out, I’m proud to say they look great!  The logistics of it all were a little intense but miraculously, all of the dye made it onto the shirts, and none of the students… which was something I was concerned about.  I think they really enjoyed bonding as a cabin during the process, and it’s fun to have a camp shirt that is different from everyone else’s.  Even though I rinsed each shirt and your students are likely to wear them this week, I DO suggest washing them by themselves the first time around, just to be safe.

Otherwise we’re just enjoying this gorgeous weather and getting ready for dinner before Quad Time and our second night game.

Living the life here at camp,

Photo 52

Vickie Chambers
Summer Staff

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The Banana Ride – Zech Maniar

August 3, 2009 at 4:46 pm (Uncategorized)

If you ever need to conquer the fear of speed, drowning, not breathing, flipping, and everything in between, then go on the banana ride!  It is so much fun and you will never want to leave.  It’s a giant banana inflatible raft that they pull behind a motor boat on the lake.  You can get 6 kids on it and it whips you around all over the place.

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Recap Video From Sunday

August 3, 2009 at 3:56 pm (Uncategorized)

Here is the recap video from our first day of camp.  We had a great first day and today has been incredible as well.  The first full day of camp was full of swimming, horseback riding, tie-dying our camp shirts, paintballing, etc. Check back later this evening for Monday’s video.

You can also download Mark’s messages from camp on our iTunes podcast channel.  Search “678live” in the podcast section iTunes to get in on the action taking place here at camp.

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Taking The Lead…

August 3, 2009 at 8:47 am (Uncategorized)

photo 50This morning I heard that our 8th grade cabins spent some extra time after the night game to make a commitment to be leaders at this year’s camp.  They made it an optional time so not every 8th grader came. As I was going to breakfast I saw the scene in the above picture.  The kids decided to pray every morning at the flag pole at the camp.  I also heard that a couple of the girl’s cabins decided to clean someone else’s cabin, but before they did, they introduced themselves and got to know the other cabin so their helping was very personal in nature.  I just heard about another cabin who decided to adopt another cabin who they heard was struggling.  What a neat picture of those students listening to the Spirit and following the lead and ministering to others who need encouragement!

I also want to say that our adult leaders and High School apprentices are doing a GREAT job of empowering our kids and helping guide them into deeper impact.  And, by the way, your prayers are really working the soil of the student’s hearts.  I can’t wait to see the harvest to come.

Pastor Mark

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Sunday night games

August 2, 2009 at 9:40 pm (Uncategorized)

We have had a full day, are all set up in our rooms and getting to know each other. 
We are about to play our game…keep us all in your prayers.  Have a great night!

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A Great Beginning…

August 2, 2009 at 9:05 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 49Tonight we had a great time during our Quad Time.  From the enthusiasm in the worship to the powerful times of prayer, it was neat to see another chance for the Holy Spirit to start a new, fresh work.  From afar, it seems like camp is a formulaic experience.  In other words, if we do certain things then the impact will just happen, no matter what.  Some may feel that way, but I certainly don’t.  I never want to put God into a box of expecting him to do what I want to see him do.  He is God.  He is the one who has the power to change every life in a real way.  Not me.  Not the worship.  Not the great leaders.  Him.

That’s why tonight is another start to something special.  I don’t know where it will head from here, but I do know if God is in it it will be unique and in His timing.

Another neat thing I wanted to share happened at our Leader Meeting.  This year I didn’t sense that we should do an 8th grade challenge like we have done the last couple of years.  I strongly encouraged the leaders to challenge their kids and see what God would do.  During the meeting the 8th grade leaders expressed that their students mentioned that they felt like it wasn’t fair that they didn’t get a planned challenge experience like last year.  Although a very valid concern, I wanted to have the leaders put it back on the students.  If God is prompting them to do a challenge, have them form it and execute it.  I wanted the leaders to help guide those special kids to rise up in leadership, which is what their concern came from.  That being said, I don’t know what they are going to do, but tonight those leaders are going to be doing something special with their cabins so please pray about what comes from it.  I will report later about what they end up doing.

Pastor Mark

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The Peak Is Now

August 2, 2009 at 4:56 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 43It’s hot, kids are running amok, taking swim tests and having an absolute blast already!  Everyone has arrived safely at camp.  There are no issues thus far with the heat.  In fact, each year we come here the number of air conditioners increases so that is quite nice.  There seems to be a great spirit of anticipation already.

Right now we are spending a short couple hours in free time before dinner.  After that, we have a leader’s meeting and then our first night session called Quad Time.  At Quad Time tonight we will be starting with some fun games like trying to win iTunes gift cards for making the Impossible Shot.  Then, we will be led into worship by Pastor Tyler and the band.  I’ll be speaking tonight and introducing our theme of X.

Although a cool letter, it actually has a dual meaning.  First off, X is for ten as in our tenth year coming to the Peak at Cascades Camp.  Secondly, X also stands for X marks the spot.  In any treasure map, X marks the spot of where the treasure is hidden and thus the end of the journey.  David’s life was a true journey, with ups and downs that reflected a life well-lived for God.  This week my hope and prayer is that the Holy Spirit will form these students into followers of Jesus who join the journey.  As they get further into the week, they will be challenged by topics like bitterness, compromise, and the challenge to take what they learn back home to live it out.

This week we will be inviting students to blog periodically about their experiences.  That way you can get an insight into what’s going on in the different kids.  You will hear from our other staff and the leaders who are counseling your kids.  Let the different posts help you pray more intelligently and specifically for us.  We would treasure your prayer support all week long.

Thanks for letting us enjoy and impact your kids this week!

Pastor Mark

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Pre-Peak Anticipation

August 1, 2009 at 1:16 pm (Uncategorized)

Right now I’m sitting in my office, 63 minutes before the big load up begins and I’m totally in the moment.  Soon parents and students will arrive in a flood of anticipation, checking in and getting overwhelmed by the fun that is just about to begin tomorrow.

As of now, we have 159 students going to camp and about 53 leaders, band, media, medics and support staff.  Please pray for us.  Pray for safety in every aspect of camp.  Pray for the heat, that no one has to go to the hospital because of an heat related illness.  Pray for quality relationships to be built.  Pray for the Holy Spirit to be working in each person’s life.  Pray that we will worship in the power of God.  Pray that God will speak and use my messages and the insightful words of each leader to influence change in each student and staff.

If any of your students are coming to camp with concerns or fears, encourage them to pray and pray with them, modeling that Jesus is who we depend on.  Help them work through the fear by stepping out in faith and using this camp to get to know someone new.  Fear and worry are always hard, but victory in this area will make unsure students have a divine aha moment with God.

Finally, journey with these students, even though you are here at home.  Rejoice in their growth, no matter how small it may seem.  To a young person, small growth is the path to big impact.  Follow this blog throughout the week.  I and others like me will be posting multiple times during the day.  Sometimes we will report what’s happening.  Other times we will be asking for specific prayer.  You may find video posted and pictures too.  Keep coming back and spread the word to other people too so that what is happening just north of here will inspire your faith here at home.

Psalm 23 says, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need.”  This week we will be depending on the great Shepherd that David wrote about to be our everything.  He wants to be all that we need.  He wants to protect who we are and form us into so much more than we imagine we can ever be.  That is what camp can be as an experience.  A time of distraction-free connection with the God of creation, who will change us forever during this short week.


Pastor Mark

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Don’t forget to Breathe (Pause, Week One)

July 13, 2009 at 3:14 pm (Uncategorized)

As a nursing student, I spend a lot of time listening to people breathe. Respiration rate is one of the “vital signs” that we monitor on each patient numerous times throughout the day. One day last semester, I was in charge of caring for a brand new baby on the maternity ward. She was beautiful and tiny and fresh and taking care of her was something I’d been looking forward to for weeks. As I listened to her breathing patterns, I found my mind wandering to what else I had going on that day. Unbeknownst to that little one, my day was packed- from the minute I had to leave the hospital, I was going to be booked solid through 11:30 that night- including an important exam, a presentation for work and the final dress rehearsal for my dance concert coming that weekend. As soon as I tried to focus on that baby’s breathing pattern, my mind wandered to the material I’d been studying for that afternoon, whether I’d have enough time to shower before my presentation, and if I’d gathered all of the necessary things for rehearsal that night. With so much running through my mind, I couldn’t focus on that little one at all. It finally got to the point where I had to wrap my hands around her little body so that I could feel the rise and fall of her chest to determine her breathing pattern. Luckily, it was perfectly normal- but it took me five tries to figure that out.

While this may not happen to you while trying to take vitals, you know there are times when you are so consumed with what is happening next, and what you need to worry about for tomorrow that you aren’t focused on what you’re doing right now. We consume ourselves with what will happen tomorrow and with things we can’t manage, leaving us with no room to be here in the present.

In Matthew 6: 25-34 Jesus tells us not to worry about such things. “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important that food and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns and yet our heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?… But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.”

Many of our students don’t have a lot to worry about- and some of them do. I would guess that for this generation, the problem of not being fully present comes from being too busy, and too focused on electronics. I think text messages are where these kids struggle with being engaged in meaningful conversations, and I told them that on Sunday. I challenged our students to spend ten minutes fully engaged with God each day. To turn off all electronics, and if they get distracted, start the ten minutes over again.

I know it won’t be easy- I think the average attention span of a junior higher is something like 8 minutes, and prayer and reading the Bible are hardly as exciting as movies and video games, but I’m confident that if they can do it, they’ll realize how great it is to be in complete community with God.

-Vickie Chambers, Summer Staff

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Empowering Your Student’s Faith

July 3, 2009 at 10:01 am (Uncategorized)

Amy’s decision crushed her parents.  Although she was only 18, she had just announced to her parents that she was going to do one bad action for every day her parents were away on a 3 month missionary leave.  Needless to say, her parents were crushed.  They had done everything possible to help Amy to follow Christ with her life.  She was a student leader in her youth group.  She went on mission trips to Mexico and Canada.  She led numerous friends to Christ.  But when the time came for her to be on her own, she chose to go her own way.  Within two years of Amy’s declaration to rebel, she was pregnant out of wedlock and the logical course of her earlier decision had come to pass.

Parenting is a risk.  When Amy’s parents were bringing her up, probably the last thing on their minds was that she would one day turn her back on their faith, but she did.  Over my 21 years as a pastor to youth, I have repeatedly been asked by parents how to encourage their student to take steps of growth in their faith.  Often the question comes during a time of stress and challenge to the parent’s influence in their student’s choices.  This multi-part blog post is born out of a desire to see each of our families at Rolling Hills be more effective at empowering their student’s faith and raising them to make an impact for Christ in today’s world.

Be A Positive Example To Your Student
With so many parents coming back to church and the faith of their own youth, a dilemma has begun to manifest itself.  Parents who walked away from their own parent’s faith during college because of being forced to do religious activities while they were growing up, are now coming back to the church in droves.  Money, status and position in life did not meet their inmost needs, so most adults are finding renewal in seeking Jesus on their own terms as they head into their 30’s.  As a result, they are taking their children along with them, but without the earlier mentality to force the faith on their kids.  This is a good perspective in many ways, but it tends to leave too much responsibility in the hands of kids who do not have the years of experience to draw on.  This swinging of the pendulum the other direction means that parents must demonstrate faith in a visible way to their students, or risk losing the key opportunity and time to influence them before they leave the home after high school.

You may be wondering how to be a good example without nagging and forcing the faith on your student like your parents may have done to you.  Be visible and faithful in spending time each day in prayer and reading of the Word of God.  Don’t just attend church, but progressively increase your participation by serving according to your various gifts and abilities.  Model that how you spend your money is the best way to see God’s ownership of your life by giving faithfully 10% of your income.  Be a good neighbor and witness by your life and testimony so your student sees that your faith is active both inside and outside of the church walls.  These are just some of the many ways you can be a good example of faith to your student.

Pastor Mark

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Top Ten Reasons to go to The Peak 2.0

June 26, 2009 at 12:16 pm (Uncategorized)

Since Mark has never experienced camp as a student, I thought I would offer my own version of the top reasons ALL  junior highers should attend summer camp.  Over the years I’ve experienced The Peak in all capacities- as a student during the inaugural years, as a small group leader and now as a paid staff person- and there are plenty of reasons why I’ve made The Peak the one week of my year that I refuse to miss out on.  Read on to see what they are.

10. Getting Away from Parents:  Okay, so I realize this may not be a great reason for parents, but as a junior higher, the idea of spending a week with all of my friends and not my parents sounded like the best thing ever.  It’s also a great, healthy environment in which to encourage your students to become a little more independent.  It’s going to happen as high school approaches anyway, and I can’t imagine a better place for students to learn the value of responsibility and making good choices. We love you Mom and Dad, but want and need to experience life without you every once in a while.

9.  The Ocho Show-cho:  I don’t think we still call it this, but every week we have a student talent show.  This wasn’t around when I was a student, but I love getting to see the wide range of talents our students possess, and I think the students enjoy getting the chance to show off a bit.

8. Sleeping in Bunk Beds: As the youngest member of my family, I missed having siblings around to hang out with till the wee hours of the mornings.  Actually sleeping in a room with 5 of my best friends always proved to be difficult, but the memories we made along the way are priceless.

7. Boating:  I’ve never been lucky enough to own a boat, so I always look forward to the hours spent on the lake tubing, kneeboarding and wakeboarding.  Some of my favorite memories are from the time spent on the lake.

6. Night Games:  I suppose I have a bit of bias here, since this is one of my responsibilities at camp, but I’ve never experienced the chance to run around like crazy with all of my friends in the dark anywhere but camp.  We try our best to keep safety a factor, and for a lot of students this is a camp favorite.

5.  The Waterfront:  The center of all of the action during free time in the afternoon.  Or at least it seems to be for the girls.  The boys are usually off playing paintball and such.  There are so many options at the waterfront, that boredom is never an issue.  I hated taking the swim test, but knew it was worth it since I would be able to do all of the fun stuff down there.  It’s also fun just to sit and talk (like girls like to do) while making hemp necklaces- I think I have one from every year I’ve gone.

4. Feeling Loved:  As a student, I loved going to camp because I felt so loved by my leaders and other group members.  Even as a small group leader, I felt more love at camp than practically anywhere else, and that continues to be the case no matter what my role is.  We make it our priority to love on students, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, think we accomplish that pretty well.

3. Worship:  The caliber of worship at camp cannot be rivaled.  The members of the band are there to serve the camp, and use the gifts God has given them to lead us in the most amazingly fun and inspiring worship times of the year.  I look forward to our Quad Time year round.  You’ll catch a glimpse of it at our camp rewind service August 16th.

2 & 1. Growing Closer to God while Making Lifelong Friends:  I couldn’t pick one of these over the other, and feel like they go hand in hand.  No matter what my role is, I can feel God speaking to me through the speaker, and over the last few years Mark has done a phenomenal job of meeting our students where they are, and challenging them to take their faith one step further.  Camp is always a spiritual high, and our goal is to make that last as we bring them home to face the real world.  One of the ways that happens is with the relationships cultivated at The Peak.  Looking back, some of my best friends today were made while I was a 7th and 8th grader, and they not only hold me accountable, but encourage me to be more like Christ everyday.  I never would have guessed that the same people would be speaking into my life almost ten years later, but the bonds formed while at camp are special and have turned into lifelong friendships.

Well there it is- long, I realize, but camp holds a special place in my heart, and I pray that the same can be said for your students.

In His love,
Vickie Chambers, Summer Staff

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Top Ten Reasons To Go To The Peak!

June 21, 2009 at 4:29 pm (Uncategorized)

Having never had a great camp experience growing up, I was a total skeptic about the value and impact of a great summer camp.  I always saw camp as an anomaly, where people made decisions that were forgotten soon after the return home. Was it really worth it?  Does camp really matter or should it be relegated to the scrap heap?

Probably the better question is, “How important is it for your child to have experiences of spiritual closeness with God?”  Or, think about it this way, would David have been used of God to slay Goliath if he didn’t already have some great experiences with God while watching his father’s sheep out in the wilderness? Consider what Jesus did before he started his earthly ministry.  He went to the wilderness and was tempted and challenged by the Devil for 40 days.  His extreme camping experience with his Father God propelled him into a ministry that would end up turning the world upside down even to this day!

Because of these examples and more, I believe God uses camp experiences to create spiritual giants, who impact their world for God’s purposes.  Over the years, I have seen thousands of commitments made at camp.  Some were short-lived.  Others have lasted for years.  Therefore, here are my top ten reasons to get your child to the Peak this summer:

1.    You worship God like no other time!:  Imagine 200 plus students and staff singing loud, weeping over conviction of sin, and lifting holy hands to God!
2.    It’s non-stop fun!:  Imagine night games, water sports, the Blob, the Bob, Mt Everest(a huge inflatable mountain in the water!), tons of activities and more!
3.    You get loved unconditionally!:  Our staff and volunteers really care about your son or daughter.
4.    You get amazing food!:  Maybe that’s quite a bit of an overstatement, but hey, it’s not eating leaves, roots and grass!
5.    Top notch facilities!:  We go to Cascades Camp and Conference Center and the rooms each have a bathroom and shower and comfortable bed.
6.    Great friends!:  You get to choose who you stay with.  It’s like having a sleepover that lasts a whole week-long!
7.    You get hot and wet!:  The weather is awesome during August and the water feels great everyday!
8.    You get really connected to the Junior High!:  There is no better activity to fall in love with the Junior High group than the Peak.
9.    You get tons of opportunities to share with people in your cabin:  At camp, your opinions and experiences give you countless chances to tell your friends and counselor what you are learning each day.
10.    God will speak to you!:  Whether it’s by listening to the messages or by having an awesome discussion with your cabin group, God will use the Peak to speak to you and show himself in a real and genuine way!

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What If My Student Isn’t Connecting?, Part 3

June 15, 2009 at 11:56 am (Uncategorized)

In part 3 of my series of posts on how to help students transition from the Treehouse ministries to the Junior High, I am going to address another concern that students give for not getting connected.  Although there is no 100% way to make a student connect, there are a number of insights I can give.

Concern #3- “It’s too boring and I don’t like it!”
What they usually mean by this is that they feel uncomfortable and are not coming with an attitude and heart to grow and learn more about the Lord.  It is important to know that any church program or event should not be considered the primary means of spiritual growth for your child.  The primary place for them to grow should be in the family, both personally and through the guidance of the parents.  The church should always be supplemental and add to the discipleship that occurs in the family.
Possible Solutions
•    Challenge your student to take notes in their Bible.  A Bible with notes in it helps reaffirm the lessons of yesterday while reinforcing today’s teaching.
•    Remind them that you get out of it what you put in it.  If a kid knows it will be boring before they even step in the room, they will have a 99% chance of leaving with that same attitude.  But an attitude of expectation that they will experience God during the service will turn boredom into mental engagement.
•    Age plays a big role in how much a student likes or doesn’t like.  The older students almost always grow to love the services.  That’s because as a student grows and matures, they realize they do like what is happening and they learn something each week.

Getting your child connected can feel like a never-ending battle, but don’t give up the fight.  Let prayer be your first response.  Using these solutions will also help you win the battle for raising a child to be a life-long follower of Jesus Christ.  Keep fighting the good fight!

Pastor Mark

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What If My Student Isn’t Connecting?, Part 2

June 10, 2009 at 2:27 pm (Uncategorized)

In part 2 of our series on how to help your Junior High student get connected and transitioned out of the Treehouse ministry, I want to continue with another common concern that we see often.

Concern #2- “I don’t have any friends here!”
It is always difficult to cultivate friendships in a large group setting, but the more familiar a student is with what happens at a given program, the more they will assimilate into it.  Another challenge is that we are not able to offer Elevation at all the services on Sundays so some kids find themselves going to a service and not knowing any friends at that service.
Possible Solutions
•    Don’t play the blame game!  Blaming staff or students for not making your child instantly connected is usually not a fair evaluation.  Friendships take time to develop and with the typical changes in school and church program, most students will need up to a year to make a good adjustment.
•    Socialize with another family that has a student like your child.  When I was growing up, my parents interacted socially with only two families so I never learned how to get to know other students my age.  It made me feel isolated and alone unless we were with one or both of those families.

Always remember that you can come and check us out firsthand.  We love it when parents come and see what we are doing and get in the know about what we do.  Whatever you do, don’t lose hope!  Part of the adjustment your student is facing is helping them learn how to face situations that are uncomfortable.  When they make the adjustment, recognize the growth you see and how much they are maturing.  Your affirmation will mean the world to them!

Pastor Mark

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What If My Student Isn’t Connecting?, Part 1

June 6, 2009 at 9:34 am (Uncategorized)

One of the most common concerns that parents have with their Junior High age children is when they do not easily connect to the Junior High ministry.  Many tears have been shed by both students and parents in an effort to overcome this feeling of disconnection.  With this post, I am going to address one concern that students give for not connecting to the Junior High.  Although there is no 100% way to make a student connect, there are a number of insights I can give.

Concern #1- “I miss the Treehouse and my small group!”
Because we have a jam-packed building for weekend services, the Junior High is not able to offer small groups during weekend services like the Treehouse ministry can.  Since the JH Elevation service is large group oriented, it is natural for students to feel like they don’t know anyone like they used to.
Possible Solutions
•    Paint a positive picture of the Junior High Elevation service.  Different is not better or worse, just different.
•    Spend six months in regular(at least 3 times per month attending) JH Elevation attendance.  Why so long?  Because most kids will resist doing something new if they know they can get out of it with a minimum of effort.
•    Get plugged into a Fusion small group on Sunday nights starting in the Fall.  Although we cannot do small groups during weekend services, on Sunday nights we have the whole building and do really good small groups with adult and High School leaders and apprentices.

Getting your child connected can feel like a never-ending battle, but don’t give up the fight.  Let prayer be your first response.  Using these solutions will also help you win the battle for raising a child to be a life-long follower of Jesus Christ.  Keep fighting the good fight!

Pastor Mark

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Reconnect With Our Blog!

June 1, 2009 at 8:20 am (Uncategorized)

Did you know that according to Deuteronomy 6:4-9, the family is the primary place in which our faith should be passed on to the next generation.  We have been coming under a strong conviction about this over these last few years as a staff.  In many ways, youth and children’s ministries can become isolated silos, disconnected from the parents they are meant to help!  In fact, in many ways, our church culture has led us to believe that spiritual formation happens at during one or two hours of church each week, not in the family, which has a much greater amount of time at its disposal.   This is a misconception that we want to change at Rolling Hills.

This year we want to use our blog at to help communicate ideas and challenge these misconceptions.  Our blog is a place where parents can find insights in common challenges in passing the faith on to our children.  By interacting online, we can meet people where they are at and do it more conveniently than ever, without adding another meeting to already crowded schedules.  Our blog can also be a place where parents can learn from other parents via comments and key learnings that will be shared in response to posted articles.

If you are new to our blog, check out the many posts in our archives.  I know you will find some real gems of insight, encouragement and challenge.  Tell others you may come in contact with so we can all be on this journey together.

Come and regularly visit us online this year and see how much stronger our families can be!

Pastor Mark

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“Not Until You’re Older”

May 27, 2009 at 2:53 pm (Uncategorized)

When I was little, as the youngest in my family, I had to wait a lot.  I would see what my older brother and sister were doing and want to watch what they were watching, or do what they were doing, and my parents always responded with “Not now, Vickie, not until you’re older.”  So I waited patiently, and sometimes not so patiently, for the days when I could walk to my friend’s house without someone holding my hand, hang out at the mall without my parents and have my own cell phone. 

There was one thing that I didn’t have to wait for, and that was serving others.  I can remember being asked to get everyone’s drink orders when we had guests, and doing so with a towel over my arm and a little notepad to keep track.  I think part of the reason that I loved it was because I got to have a special job, and people had to pay attention to me- very important to the little drama queen that I was back then. (and my siblings will probably tell you I still am)

I feel like junior high students hear this a lot- and it can be very frustrating to them. They feel like they are old enough for most things, and want to be respected because of that.  It’s not that I disagree that they should be waiting for a lot of things, because they aren’t quite ready to handle it all yet, but service is something that can be done at any age, and in a variety of capacities.  My days in Junior High (ten years ago now, wow!) fostered a realization about the importance of serving others, and that it didn’t matter how old I was- I could still help other people.

So even though it sometimes took me a little longer to get everyone’s drink orders, and it probably would have been easier to tell people to get drinks for themselves, I’m grateful that my parents started teaching me the importance of service at a young age, and continued to encourage me in that throughout my adolescence.

-Vickie Chambers, Summer Staff

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That Sucking Sound Is…

May 23, 2009 at 9:25 am (Uncategorized)

soccerkidsThe enemy of best isn’t terrible or the worst.  The enemy of the best things are good things that get in the way.  One of those good things that gets in the way of the best is sports.  We love how sports keep our kids active.  We see the value of coaches who instill more than just skills, but character too.  Sports are exciting and full of drama.  They even give us a social outlet and friendships too.

But sports are robbing us of something better.  They are taking our time.  They are consuming our priorities.  They are taking over our lives and the change is so subtle that we often miss it.  Sports often force us to choose and make choices that seem temporary, but often become permanent.

When our kids were younger, they looked so cute running the bases backwards or kicking the ball in the wrong goal.  We never thought that these “games” would ever become the all-consuming, year-round, expensive lifestyle choices that they turn into.  The problem is that the change was slow and steady.  Each year the requirements to do well went up, while the emphasis on having fun became a forgotten afterthought.  Then, the sacrifices required to compete with the best started to drive families to be gone multiple weekends in a row for months at a time so you could get your team into the best tournaments and showcase talents to the top scouts and coaches.  All for what?  A possible scholarship?  The prestige of a state championship?  Maybe one day a world or Olympic championship?  I think it’s funny that many parents are hoping to save money on university, but they have spent thousands of dollars for years so their kids could play on the best teams and they could have saved those same dollars and invested in their schooling early in their kid’s lives.

That sucking sound you hear is the time and experiences that you are losing as your kids grow up and leave your home to become another generation of adults.  That sucking sound is the loss of potential relationship you may have had with your kids that will disappear when their sports disappear.  That sucking sound is the emptiness that you come to realize when your kids don’t care about God, but do care about how many reps they can do or how many goals they scored in the state tournament the last couple years so they can impress a scout or coach or …

My faith matters so much to me.  I am going to try and help my kids to see that many things will compete with their faith.  They will have many choices to make after they graduate and leave our home.  My hope and prayer is that they take their faith into college and marriage and child-bearing and beyond.  Let’s change the culture together!  Let’s be disciplemakers who start with the most important relationships- our families!  Let’s make the best things our highest priorities and show the world a different way to live.

Pastor Mark

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Help Us Improve!

May 20, 2009 at 8:18 am (Uncategorized)

bridgeThis year we tried to do a better job of connecting with parents.  Our desire is to help parents disciple and hand their faith off to their kids.  In so doing, we don’t want our ministry programs to get in the way of that imperative, but we want it to supplement the important work each parent does in raising godly kids.  This year we have tried to consistently have blog entries that would keep parents in the loop as far as teaching and insights go.  We have consistently sent prayer requests and kept those needs in front of the parents who desired to pray for our ministry (Thank you for making that happen Heather Gendvilas!).  We had two parent visit nights during the year for Fusion in order to help parents connect with their student’s small group leader.  We used the prayer requests to also communicate the upcoming meeting schedule for Elevation and Fusion in order to keep the most up-to-date information in front of you.  We have also tried to always keep our Atrium information station stocked with the most current information every Sunday morning so you can always have access to it in a convenient way.

Although these have been many ways we have tried to build bridges with parents this year, we understand that we missed many parents in the process as well.  I’m sure many of you have had conversations with concerned friends who feel in the dark about what is happening in the Junior High.  Help us do better next year by either encouraging those parents to comment to this blog about how we could improve or pass on their concerns to us so we can start to formulate new strategies for next year.  We want to keep improving and growing so you can have confidence that we not only love your kids with a deep and abiding love, but we love and support you too!  We want the best for you as parents and will work tirelessly until we build a bridge to every parent!

Thanks for the joy of serving Christ by serving you!

Pastor Mark

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Engage In Their Relationships

May 11, 2009 at 9:10 am (Uncategorized)

cupidYou don’t need to tell me that Jr. High is too young for kids to be in relationships with each other.  Besides being ridiculously short-lived(often lasting a day at the most!), most JH relationships are charged with emotions that most students don’t know how to handle in the first place.  As I’ve been giving some Biblical advice and teaching on some particular kinds of relationshipst reminded me that I need to encourage parents to be in the loop about how they can disciple and partner with their kids in the journey to learn how to find the right person in the future for marriage.

It’s been said, over and over, that how we learn how to pursue relationships will in many ways dictate how we will pursue marriage in the future.  Relationships are practice for marriage in the same way that practicing an instrument leads to proficiency in playing that instrument with one caveat:  If you practice wrong, you will get worse, not better!

Now, please don’t get me wrong!  I am not encouraging students to be in relationships.  In fact, my hope is that they would wait to pursue guy/girl relationships until later in High School or after graduation.  However, I also see that relationships will happen in JH and to not teach them or give them God’s perspective as revealed in His word would be irresponsible as a spiritual leader.  As a parent, it would also be irresponsible for me to not know where my kids are at in terms of their relationships.  Ultimately I want them to have a good marriage because I want to equip them with the truth compared to the half-truths and out and out lies that come from the media and our culture.

One great way to engage is to meet with your child’s special friend and let them know your standards, rules and guidelines for the relationship.  This is appropriate as long as they are living in your home and are your responsibility.  Let them know spiritual perspectives.  Advise without preaching, asking for their feedback, but always be willing to search the Bible with them to show where you are coming from.  Set good boundaries that they agree to with you.  Boundary issues may be time spent phoning, texting or communicating via technology sources.  Other issues may be physical contact, curfews, and time spent together, either alone or otherwise.

The bottom line is that helping your kids with their relationships shows them you are on their side, wanting them to avoid as much heartache as possible, and experience as much joy and equipping for future relationship success.  The majority of parents will not engage out of embarrassment or neglect, but join the minority that go against the flow of the culture.  Come along for the ride, not fearing the worst, but believing the best!

Pastor Mark

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April 21, 2009 at 1:33 pm (Uncategorized)

I grew up going to camp every summer at Alpine Conference Center in Lake Arrowhead, CA.   I grew up in the Covenant Denomination and this camp is where I spent many winter and summer camps. If you have ever ventured into my office you will see years of my camp pictures posted on my walls.  The pictures might be a little embarrassing, but not what took place there.   This camp is where I accepted Christ in  elementary school, but it was my junior high years at this summer camp that I really started realizing what it meant to daily surrender my life to Christ (something I am still learning).  It was those junior high years that things began to change.

I believe that is why I am passionate about The Peak.  I have had the proviledge of being at 11 junior high summer camps through RHCC and every year it gets better.  I witness lives being changed by God and I would not trade that for the world.

Something wondrous takes place at The Peak and it is hard to even begin to describe with words.  Maybe it is the fact that we are hours away from home and enjoying nature.  Maybe it is the amazing accommodations we have at Cascades.  Maybe it is all the fun activities we are able to do.  Maybe it is the community we share as we live life together.  Maybe it is the messages we hear from Mark as the Spirit moves through him in a mighty way as he teaches.  Maybe it is the small group discussions where students realize they can be transparent.  Maybe it is the unity we feel as the Body of Christ.  I don’t think the answer is “maybe” I think that the answer is that IT IS.  Camp is powerful because we have an All Powerful God who is directing it all.  He is in control of the fun, the laughter, the community that is felt, and the lives that are being impacted to live for Him.  God moves each year, and we do not take that lightly.

My prayer is that this summer every one of our students will be able to experience God while at The Peak.  Not because I want to sell them anything.  I want them to realize that God has a plan for their lives, and God wants to use them each day.  And something about being away from the busyness of life helps you realize these things.

I know I did.  That week each summer at Alpine Camp made me stop and think about my life.  It caused me to get out of my routine to evaluate if I was going to surrender my life to Christ, or to allow “life” to overrule my obedience to Him.   It made me think about choices I was making and if they were honoring to God.

Maybe the word wondrous is the wrong word.  But, if you have ever been to The Peak, when the Spirit of God moves it is beyond words.  And I cannot describe fully what takes place.

My hope is that our week at camp is a time every student will experience God in a wondrous new way.


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End Of An Era

April 15, 2009 at 9:00 am (Uncategorized)


Yesterday when I heard about Pastor Dale’s transition as our Senior Pastor, I had a chance to take time to reflect.  When Dale and the team of families stepped out in faith and started the church in 1978 who would have thought it would have grown into the far-reaching, impactful ministry that it has become today.  Because he stepped out and followed the lead of the Lord, I have had the privilege of seeing my kids and wife serve and follow God together for the last 15 years of my life.  Those have been really special, special years.

When we first came in October of 1994, I was a 29 and the father of a couple of newborns.  Trying to balance the family situation I was in and working through a rough transition from my previous church, I found myself trying to hide at the church office, leaving my wife alone and isolated.  I’m not proud of those days.  I was just trying to survive for myself and retreating into thinking about my needs alone.  Then Pastor Dale shared a message series on marriage.  As he opened up about his marriage it really caught my attention.  As he shared his failings and his victories I related to what he was sharing.  Although I didn’t know him well at that point, I had heard from everyone I talked to that family was first to Dale and it should be for all of us.  That lesson stuck in my life.

I will always point back to those hard times and that series in particular as a time when God rescued me and my family.  I am so grateful that Pastor Dale listened to God’s heart and shared so authentically to our body, even if my family was the only one saved.  It made a huge difference that has multiplied exponentially into mine and countless other family’s lives.  For that we will always praise God and be thankful.

As Dale turns his attention to new opportunities for impact, I am assured that he will always be putting his family first as he reaches out to person after person with the love of Jesus.  In a way, the end of his era as the Senior Pastor at Rolling Hills is the beginning of this next chapter in his life story of influence for Jesus.  Thanks, Dale, for your investment into thousands of lives and families.  The Lord used you to fill us with passion and vision and we will forever be full of gratitude and appreciation!

Pastor Mark

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What Would You Sacrifice?

April 7, 2009 at 9:45 am (Uncategorized)

If you knew your son would be a speaker who led 1,000,000 people to Christ in the next 25 years, what would you sacrifice to make that happen?

If you knew your daughter would one day be a reknown author and counselor who helped thousands of anorexic girls find healing in their spiritual lives, what would you sacrifice to make that happen?

If you knew your son’s passion for God would lead to him becoming a pastor to youth and result in scores of young people turning to Jesus throughout his lifetime, what would you sacrifice to make that happen?

If you knew the noise that pounds from inside your son’s bedroom from practicing the drums would lead to him being part of an internationally known band that made a priority of getting clean water to every person in Africa, what would you sacrifice to make that happen?

If you knew your daughter would be the first female President of the United States and she was dedicated to influencing the world nations to feed the hungry world-wide and make the end of world hunger possible, what would you sacrifice to make that happen?

What if each of these sons and daughters were so impacted by Christ that they made a late night commitment to follow one of these dreams at the Peak and they would point back to camp as the time they started down that road, what would you sacrifice to help make that happen?

I can assure you of this, I would sacrifice my vacation, my gifts, new clothes, eating out, a new car, a bigger house and pretty much anything else so my kids could one day be impacting the world for Christ.  I have seen 15 years of big decisions happen at camp so I know I will sacrifice for them to go, believing that God will use that experience for lasting lifechange.

Will you?

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New Series Kicks Off This Weekend

April 4, 2009 at 12:35 pm (Uncategorized)


Every morning you wake up and go to work. Why? You go because you want something. Maybe you want to please your boss. Maybe you want to make a difference in the world. Maybe you just want a paycheck. No matter what your motivation, it is driven by some kind of desire. Desire is what makes the world go around. So often we come to church and feel guilty about our desire. We try to make up for having desire or find ways to set our desires aside. But what if we looked at faith in a whole new way? What if desire was actually the beginning of a much better life in Christ?

We are kicking off our new series titled “WANTED” tomorrow and it will last the month of April with the exception of Easter weekend.

WANTED: Week One – April 5, 2009
Every day, each one of us is driven by our desires. It’s the filter by which we process every choice. It’s how we decide what we will eat. It’s how we decide what we will watch. It’s how we decide how we will spend our time. Desire is a part of who we are. But doesn’t it seem like so much of Christianity is about ignoring our desires? Doesn’t it seem like if we follow Christ we have to consistently set aside our “wants”? Or could it be our desires are not something we have to ignore, but simply follow to the true fulfillment of what we want, the true longing of each of our hearts?

WANTED: Week Two – April 19, 2009
What you think you want isn’t what you really want. Have you heard that before? It’s hard to believe, isn’t it? After all, our desires can be really strong. They can even bring a few moments of satisfaction. But there is truth in that statement because beneath the desire is a question we rarely ask ourselves, “Why?” Why do I want what I want? What do I think this desire will give me? And perhaps, more importantly—will this desire lead me to where I really want to go?

WANTED: Week Three – April 26, 2009
Our wants seem so big, don’t they? We desire a lot of things—the latest gadgets, things that will make us feel more valued and loved. But the problem isn’t that our desires are so big—in fact, they aren’t big enough. Many times we are willing to settle for something less, something that only sort of satisfies us, instead of desiring something bigger and more fulfilling.

If you’re a kid, summer is filled with days of endless possibilities. But for us adults, summer is just another season. We still have to go to work. We still have to go to the grocery store. We still have to do laundry. Life doesn’t take a break, especially when you have a family.

But if you’re like many families, you want to find a way to connect with your kids this summer by taking a vacation. (And the option of walking away from work for a few days is attractive as well.) Whether it’s camping out at the lake, driving to the beach or just spending a day at an amusement park, there are times when each one of us needs to take a step back to recharge. There are times when we need to know that life is about more than the e-mails filling up our inbox or the voice mails on our cell phone.

Recently, I ran across the following article from a pastor in Canada on why unplugging ourselves from our overly connected world is so needed.

By Carey Nieuwhof

Earlier today, I realized I am totally living in 2008. I was answering text messages, e-mail, Facebook messages, being instant messaged on Facebook, checking blog comments and twittering all at the same time. And the weird part is, I don’t mind it. It’s just how we communicate right now.  But tomorrow I start my vacation. We’ll drive Saturday to our favorite family vacation an hour away to a lodge we’ve gone to each summer for over ten years now. My youngest son, Sam, calls it his favorite place on earth next to home. We literally count down the days to this vacation on a whiteboard on our fridge. The whole family loves it.
One of the things that makes this “resort” we stay at so attractive is that it’s a throw back to an earlier time. No TV. No radio. No wireless routers. Cell service is okay, but not great. Twitter is a sound that chipmunks make. Facebook happens when you fall asleep reading and your head drops. They don’t even have regular mail there, let alone e-mail. We’re unplugging for a week together, and it’s fantastic.

I think we were wired both for rest and work, and over the years I’ve learned that to work best you have to play hard—that’s been a slow lesson for me. So what about you? What charges you? As the summer draws to a close, find some ways to not only recharge yourself, but also connect with your kids.

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Spring Cleaning

March 23, 2009 at 2:55 pm (Uncategorized)

In the middle of February until the middle of March I have gone through every closet, dresser, and storage bin in my house, and even tackled the dreaded garage in a massive effort to do spring-cleaning.  The dark days of February make me long for spring, so I had to do something to keep my mind off of the last days of winter.  I went through items that I have not seen for years that have stayed captive in the dark reaches of our closets.  I saw things I haven’t seen since we moved into our house 5 ½ years ago.

I set out over 25 bags of stuff on our porch this morning for the organization that was coming to haul it away.  When I came home at lunch, it was all gone.  Man, it feels great to have it all gone!

But, what all of this stuff in the closet made me realize was; in the dark lots of things can hide.  I think about all the areas in my life that I will neglect and allow to be “in the dark reaches of the closet.”  Areas of my thought life, my attitude, my actions, what I watch and take in, those areas that I know God wants to work on in my life.  Many times they are the areas that I like keeping in the dark because I think it is way too much effort to bring them to the throne of God.  I complain that they will take too much work, and that it is nicer to live life with them tucked away rather than out in the open, where the light it.  The areas that I know if I would just allow God to shine His Light in I would experience a new freedom in Him.

I know deep within me that God is not a God of condemnation, but the Almighty who so desires for me to find daily freedom in Him.  To continually move forward in my growth in Him and not get stagnate or allow things to hide in the dark.

I am reminded that each day I need to ask God to shine His Light on all areas of my life, and each new day God will give me the ability to lay them at His feet.  He alone is the one who can change those areas.  So when I expose all the areas of my life to His Light I can feel a new sense of “cleansing,” a new sense of freedom that only Christ can provide.

This kind of exposure isn’t easy, and it is only done with God’s strength and endurance, but then again doing spring-cleaning of a whole house and garage is worse!


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A Brave, New World…

March 17, 2009 at 11:55 am (Uncategorized)

He gave his message a bunch of thought, but God seemed to be silent.  As he thought about what to share in the group, nothing stood out.  He humbly got right with the Lord during the service, but still God didn’t give that clear direction we all want.  Finally, he decided to share a message from a few days ago that was certainly pertinent and relevant.  And he waited…

Finally, unexpectantly at 5:50pm on Sunday night God spoke and gave him a message to share from Proverbs 13.  The fire in his heart was lit and he was excited in a new way.  He arrived and connected with the students, sharing and chatting, being an example of what a leader should be.  With attendance taken care of  and Mark’s message given, it was off to the group time.

Opening with a time of prayer and confession, he led his group of students and they prayed for each other’s spiritual challenges.  After the prayer groups came back together, it was almost time.  He made sure each student had a Bible and they turned to Proverbs.  He shared a story, authentically revealing how hard it is when your friends aren’t the most godly influences.  He asked questions in order to get everyone involved.  As different students shared, it was obvious that the topic related to each person there.  A short rabbit trail on getting shocked by electronic fences was quickly navigated and then he brought them back on to the main passage.  As he showed the value of seeking wisdom from those who are living examples of a faith lived out daily, each person was affirmed, even in the midst of their varying degrees of brokenness and struggle.  Finally, a short 35 minutes later he closed in prayer.

Was it the youth pastor who so deftly led these young 6th and 8th grade students?  Was it one of the High School age apprentices, cutting their teaching teeth on the group?  Not even close.  In fact, it was Konner C., a student who was teaching for his first time in our group.  Konner is just one of many Junior High students who are stepping out and being the leaders that God has called them to be.  Last summer, God called him to start a weekly Bible study at his middle school.  As he worked with his parents to prepare each week, the 15-20 students who faithfully came were challenged and encouraged each time.  As he modeled a sensitivity to listen to the Holy Spirit, care about the other student peers in the group and unfold the word through reading and discussion, Konner was stepping out into a brave, new world where adults actually disciple their students and give them vision and opportunity to step out and do it.  They may risk failure.  They may not be the most accurate in their insights.  They may lack the confidence.  But, if God is for them, who can be against them?  Get ready for more of these stories.  God is moving and Konner is not the only person you will hear about in the days and weeks to come.

Praising God,

Pastor Mark

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Parent Discipling News!

March 15, 2009 at 7:41 am (Uncategorized)

This week I had the opportunity to talk to one of my guys in my small group.  Spencer is a great guy who loves the Lord and has a true heart for his friends to find a relationship with Jesus.  One of the reasons I was calling was because Spencer wasn’t able to come to our Fusion group the last few weekends since his basketball team was playing in a number of tournaments and had a bunch of travel that unfortunately kept him away.  As we chatted about how well his team did (they won their league!), I also asked him how he was doing in staying close to the Lord.  His answer thrilled my heart!  He said he was doing really well and each day his mom and he and his brother read from the Bible and talk about it over breakfast.  To hear that they were doing something as simple as reading the Word and talking about it confirmed in me that discipleship is happening in that family.

You don’t have to have a Bible degree to do what they were doing.  You just have to do it.  You also don’t need to have all the answers.  In fact, when you don’t have all the answers, you can model to your kids how to find the answers.  And if you don’t know how to find the answers, you can model a humble spirit and suggest ways to connect with people who could help you find the answers.  All good and necessary things if we are to be godly parent disciplers.

Additionally, as I was asking Spencer what I could be praying for in his life, he asked me to pray for his friend who he was reaching out to.  He wanted to have a sleepover with a Bible study so he could help his friend get a bit closer to God.  His example challenges me!  His example of God working in his life is a huge reason why I love working with these amazing kids and their fantastic families!

Praising God for each of you!

Pastor Mark

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