What If My Student Isn’t Connecting?, Part 2

June 10, 2009 at 2:27 pm (Uncategorized)

In part 2 of our series on how to help your Junior High student get connected and transitioned out of the Treehouse ministry, I want to continue with another common concern that we see often.

Concern #2- “I don’t have any friends here!”
It is always difficult to cultivate friendships in a large group setting, but the more familiar a student is with what happens at a given program, the more they will assimilate into it.  Another challenge is that we are not able to offer Elevation at all the services on Sundays so some kids find themselves going to a service and not knowing any friends at that service.
Possible Solutions
•    Don’t play the blame game!  Blaming staff or students for not making your child instantly connected is usually not a fair evaluation.  Friendships take time to develop and with the typical changes in school and church program, most students will need up to a year to make a good adjustment.
•    Socialize with another family that has a student like your child.  When I was growing up, my parents interacted socially with only two families so I never learned how to get to know other students my age.  It made me feel isolated and alone unless we were with one or both of those families.

Always remember that you can come and check us out firsthand.  We love it when parents come and see what we are doing and get in the know about what we do.  Whatever you do, don’t lose hope!  Part of the adjustment your student is facing is helping them learn how to face situations that are uncomfortable.  When they make the adjustment, recognize the growth you see and how much they are maturing.  Your affirmation will mean the world to them!

Pastor Mark

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