Walking By Sight, Not By Faith

August 19, 2009 at 2:55 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 28Isn’t it interesting how easy it is to encourage someone else to have eyes of faith when they are going through a difficult circumstance, but when it happens to you things totally change.  Of all my senses, I like sight.  Maybe it’s because I love to see where I’m going so I can anticipate the challenges ahead.  Maybe it’s because I hate surprises and wish that I had everything figured out already.  In any case, the last thing I like to do is rely on my faith.

Now, this may not sound very godly.  I’m a Pastor for goodness sake, I should be used to walking in faith.  Truth be known, I struggle with my faith.  Not the confidence that I have a relationship with almighty God, just the confidence to trust my God with my life.  Hebrews 11 says that faith is the confidant assurance of things hoped for and the evidence of things we cannot see.  Not see?  Wait a minute, God, I want to see.  I want the faith that includes sight.  I want the easier instant faith that doesn’t have to get pressed or endure hard times.  I want easy faith, with a nice added bonus of prosperity.  Yes, that’s the faith for me!

Honestly, I have that kind of faith.  That’s why it’s so hard to NOT trust in sight.  I train myself to walk by sight so when the hard times come, there I go eyes wide open, stumbling into the darkness, trying to find my way.  It just won’t happen.  Walking by faith takes practice.  It’s the little things we do by faith that prepare us for the big ones.  So when I do faith by sight all the time, I forget how to truly be a person of faith.

Little or big, Holy Spirit, help me walk by YOUR sight and live the gift of life by YOUR gift of faith.  May I never forget and fall back into that same failed lifestyle.

You are awesome, Holy Spirit!

Love, Mark

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