
August 6, 2009 at 8:44 am (Uncategorized)

Photo 73How can I be alive still?  Parents, it probably seems like you just dropped off your wee ones just yesterday, but over here time runs differently.  It’s been about a month of fun and non-stop action.  I had stated earlier that we were getting used to walking with flies attached to our skin.  I must have been sleep-typing.  I am so done with the fly family.  Last night was an amazing worship with the band and group time under Mark’s teaching.  The students are really bonding and sharing their lives together.  The biggest injuries during free time were with the staff, but we are still kicking.  Skits?  So funny.  Gunnar can burp the whole alphabet in one “gulp.”  We are positive because he did an encore.  The medalian that the staff hid at the beginning of the week was found this morning by a group of unsuspecting 6th grade girls.  Yes, one is  related to Jen, but there is no clause that states she is disqualified, so it’s legit.  Well, gotta go digest these tofu-like eggs I ate for breakfast!

Until later,  Wendy


  1. Olivia's parents (Larry & Anna) said,

    Let Gunnar know that we are amazingly proud of his alphabet accomplishments!!!! It sounds like a great time all around! God bless the whole crazy mess. 🙂

  2. Shana Jabusch said,

    glad you are sill alive….so happy that you baptized Calli what an awesome experience. Can’t wait to hear more stories!! Enjoy your last night!! xoxo

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