Back Row…

January 18, 2010 at 5:39 pm (Uncategorized)

Isn’t it funny how history repeats itself?  Look at wars.  They often start for many of the same reasons every time.  Look at politics.  Whoever is the minority party uses the same negative, critical tactics every time.  I even look at myself in the mirror.

30-some years ago, I was in the youth group of my church.  I came with my parents.  I felt like I was forced to come.  I hated big church and contributed nothing to my youth group’s age appropriate service.  I was like so many kids I see come on Sunday mornings to our service.  I sat in the back row with a couple close friends.  I didn’t sing.  I didn’t listen very much to the talks my youth pastor gave.  I even wondered why some other peers actually thought this God thing was pretty cool.  I just didn’t see it.

So how did I make it from the back row to the stage teaching young people just like me, a few decades removed?  I honestly don’t know apart from the Holy Spirit capturing my heart a couple of times on ministry trips and mission opportunities.  But it really started happening when I became a leader on my campus.  Making my faith a 7-days-a-week lifestyle was so huge and different for a guy who grew up in the nursery at church and knew every Bible story ever told.  I don’t think I would be here today had God not shaped me during those formative years.

So why share this post?  I hope every parent will strive to help their student to live their faith daily.  It starts with modeling it yourself.  It continues with talking about it and dialoguing with your student in a non-judgmental way, gently encouraging the life that pleases Christ.  It happened for me and by God’s grace and wisdom, it will happen for your students too.

Pastor Mark

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