Big Changes For Junior High Summer Camp 2010!

November 9, 2009 at 10:47 am (Uncategorized)

The decision has been made to change locations for the Peak next summer.  We will be taking the students to Riverview Bible Camp, which is north of Spokane, Washington.  As the price for the facility at Cascades Camp & Conference Center continued to rise, we grew concerned that we weren’t getting our monies worth.  Another factor that contributed to this decision was the cost in hours of preparation for putting our own camp on.  Most people don’t know that each year we spend scores of hours in preparation, study, advance planning, purchasing supplies and recruiting and training leaders for each summer at the Peak.  By going to a camp like Riverview, we let their organization provide the worship band, the speaker, the safety staff, and the program planning.  This allows those of us on staff to go and invest our time in directly discipling our students and nurturing our fellow staff.  Every year since we started putting our energy into discipleship, we have become convinced that our best investments in time have been when we are discipling and reproducing our lives into our kids.  This decision will help us do this even more.

One challenge to this change of venue is that we will be 7 hours further away by bus.  Because of that, we will be using charter buses with air conditioning and bathrooms.  Also, the week we will be going to camp will be a week earlier than we have been used to, July 25-30th in 2010.  We believe this will help us not to conflict with classic qualifying tournaments for soccer and football tryouts.  The cost will probably(the budget is not finalized yet) be $300.00 which will include transportation, camp activities, meals and a T-shirt from the camp.

In conclusion, I would like to say that this location will be different and the experience will be changing.  However, change is not bad, it is just not what we are used to.  The challenge for parents is to help the kids get excited about the new experience they will be having next summer.  Expect emotional appeals.  Expect that they will have questions you cannot answer.  But guide them into asking God how he will speak to them at Riverview.  Show them that walking by faith often means that we go where we are led, even in our uncertainty about what might be there.  And, of course, let us know if you have any questions about the camp.  You can always check out the camp at  I would try to use the Safari web browser since something is wrong if you use Internet Explorer or Firefox.

Again, if you have any questions, just email Pastor Mark at or give me a call at the church at 503-638-5900.

Take care,

Pastor Mark

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