My Tubing Experience

August 6, 2009 at 7:55 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 91I love camp!  Even though I sit in pain as I write this, I love camp!

I grew up with a ski boat so I have hit the water in more intensity then yesterday, and I have done more dangerous things on the water.  But, yesterday was different.  I think that as my body flew off the 3 person tube, the age of my body made the outcome a little different:)  When I landed in the water and came up for air, all I heard were the girls saying, “that was great!”  And all I could get out of my mouth was, “I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe.”  And even though it was fun, I knew that something was not right.  So after a painful walk up to my room, I was off to see the doctor in Yelm.

So after an excruciatingly painful wait in the lobby I was seen by a doctor.  She proceeded to look my back over.  To my relief she told me nothing was broken or cracked. She told me I had a major muscle spasm.  She then told me what I need to do is rest, rest rest.  Me?  At camp?  As the director?  As the person who longs for this week all year?  What?

However, I am grateful that I am okay and that all I need to do is take muscle relaxers.  As the day has passed, my pain has decreased.  Now don’t get me wrong, I hurt, but I literally feel God healing me at camp.

So camp may not have turned out the way I planned, but I rest in the fact that God is in control like he always is!

I just want you to know that we have had fun with your students, we have laughed, we have worshiped, we have learned, we have tubed,  and we have been changed.   God is good, all the time God is good.

It is a priviledge to be a part of God working!  See you tomorrow.

Jen Gulbrandson

PS:  Mom, I am really okay. D and Miss M I love you and can’t wait to see you.


  1. Jennifer Ginther said,

    I hope you are recovering quickly Thank you for all that you have done for our children.
    God Bless you
    Jennifer Ginther Reboja

  2. Olivia's parents (Larry & Anna) said,

    What a trooper you are! You were just supposed to go and look pretty! 🙂 I love the fact that you were so into all of the activities…You do lead by example and many kids are inspired by this. Your love for Christ and devotion to the children is just as it should be. Take good care of yourself, and know that He is ultimately in control…what a concept!! Praying for a quick recovery for you.

  3. Nellie said,

    hEY Jen- you are always a bright shining friendly face for the parents- and the students- in juniorh high so thank you for all you do for these wonderful 6-8th graders

    -cornelia – a new parent in the junior high ministry for incoming 6th grade twins wesley and mickaelJosef

  4. Melinda said,

    Hey Jen,

    I’ve been praying for you ever since I heard about your tubing excitement. Well, I prayed for you before then too, but especially after. Glad you’re OK!


  5. Kim Johnson said,

    Jen!!! Oh my goodness!!! I am so glad that you are alright and I hope that you continue to feel better. I love you and really missed getting to be at the Peak this year. I can’t wait to hear about all the amazing ways that God revealed himself!!!! 🙂 Safe travels!

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