Night Games!!

August 4, 2009 at 10:33 pm (Uncategorized)

One of my main jobs this summer has been planning the activities for camp- which includes the night games.  160 students, 45 leaders, trees, buildings and the pure darkness makes for an interesting combination and a lot of potential injuries.  No worries though, the medics tell me we’ve sucessfully survived the week without any major injuries- something I’ve been praying for a lot over the last few weeks.  One of my favorite things is to watch the students and leaders get more and more excited and energized to participate in these games as the week goes on.  Each year we try to come up with different themes to help encourage participation and this year was no different.  Since our theme was X and X marks the spot of the treasure chest, I decided to go with a pirate theme!  Each one of the night games has a theme following one of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, and tonight the crew of the Flying Dutchman (the boys) faced off against the Black Pearl (the girls) in an intense game of capture the flag… and I’m proud to announce that the girls dominated 🙂  After ten years, I’ve finally convinced Jen to participate in the night games, and while her interpretation of “pirate” might be a little off, hey, at least she’s trying.

Photo 61

Tomorrow night I’m sure you’ll find Mark’s play by play of the Peak’s Got Talent (formerly known as the Ocho Showcho) and I can’t wait to see what your students have to offer.  I’m never disappointed.

Signing off for the night-

Vickie Chambers, Summer Staff

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