To Be Mighty…

August 4, 2009 at 3:31 pm (Uncategorized)

Photo 39Tonight’s message is about the mighty men of David, who followed him when he was running from King Saul for his life.  They came to him as social rejects, but became his most trusted, amazing warriors.  Can you imagine the transformation of an indebted reject who leaves the history he created with all the baggage of discouragement and aimlessness and follows a person who is embodying the very thing he was leaving behind?

What made this David, before he became king, worth following?  Was it the heroic defeat of Goliath?  Maybe it was the outstanding songs that he wrote that must have been used to express the feelings of those around him.  Or, maybe it was the way God’s spirit drew certain guys who God saw potential in.  Potential to change.  Potential to make a difference.  Potential to be world impacters.

That is what tonight is all about.  Calling these students to become then next generation of the Mighty men and women for this time in history is what makes a night like tonight exceedingly special.  Last year we saw a couple of students make commitments that lasted all year during school.  But that was then and this is now.  Who is God calling out?  Who will say “Yes” to the challenge to step out and stick out of the crowd?  Pray for us tonight and believe in faith that the Spirit will call some unusual and unexpected choices boys and girls to be Mighty…

Pastor Mark


  1. Rhonda Began said,

    I love this man! ( and it’s not just he’s so handsome or photogenic!) I am so proud of you and Jae & Lex. Each serving in your area of giftedness. I have prayed through out each day for each of you. Keep seeking God with passion. He is doing amazing things through you and our girls.

  2. Nellie said,

    Thank you Pastor Mark for impacting the lives of youth to live a life of passion for Christ and thank you for your support and hanging with my twins – I am praying and beleving they are having as much fun as they had hoped -as you know their story, they really really wanted to be there and there is a reason that God wanted them there -thanks, nellie

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