It’s Thursday at Camp

August 6, 2009 at 10:38 am (Uncategorized)

Photo 84Over the years, Jen has coined the phrase “Thursday at camp” as a way of showing how much life relaxes for those of us behind the scenes on our final full day at camp.  By this time in the week, we’ve gotten so set in the routine of the daily buzz that we can relax and enjoy camp for what it is- a chance to get to know your awesome students.

It’s been a joy for me to learn all about your students as we make friendship bracelets, play night games and just hang out during free time.  I’ve loved watching them respond to Mark’s messages and open up to each other and their leaders over the course of the week.  There are a lot of things I love about camp- somehow oatmeal here tastes so much better than at home- but what brings me back each year is the experience of seeing God move in my own life while simultaneously moving in these junior highers.  While I may come home physically and emotionally exhaused, spiritually, I am renewed and inspired.  You have some pretty amazing students.

There have now been ten “Thursdays at camp” and this one feels just like the first one did.  Even though I was only a 7th grader then, I still remember the genuine community and hilariousity that occurs on Thursdays.  Not only does life get a bit easier on the logistics side of things, but Thursday showcases camp at it’s best.  Everything is funnier, crazier and more ridiculous- not only due to lack of sleep, but also because everyone realizes that tomorrow we head back to the real world, and while a part of us looks forward to seeing those we’ve missed, a part of us is left here in Yelm.

I’m headed out onto the tubes this afternoon and am hoping that my 21-year old body can handle it a little better than these old folks I work with 🙂  Jen and Kate are back in action- although taking things slowly.  Just another example of how committed these Godly women are to loving on your students.

Now it’s time to go enjoy the rest of Thursday.

-Vickie Chambers, Summer Staff


  1. Jennifer Gustafson said,

    Thanks for the update and the great description of “Thursdays at camp.” I’m kind of having a “Thursday at home” myself! Glad to hear that Jen and Kate are doing better! Thanks for taking such good care of our kids!

  2. Rhonda Began said,

    Vicki, you are such a blessing. It has been so remarkable and fun to see you grow and mature in life and ministry. Thank you for all you are doing.

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