Top Ten Reasons To Go To The Peak!

June 21, 2009 at 4:29 pm (Uncategorized)

Having never had a great camp experience growing up, I was a total skeptic about the value and impact of a great summer camp.  I always saw camp as an anomaly, where people made decisions that were forgotten soon after the return home. Was it really worth it?  Does camp really matter or should it be relegated to the scrap heap?

Probably the better question is, “How important is it for your child to have experiences of spiritual closeness with God?”  Or, think about it this way, would David have been used of God to slay Goliath if he didn’t already have some great experiences with God while watching his father’s sheep out in the wilderness? Consider what Jesus did before he started his earthly ministry.  He went to the wilderness and was tempted and challenged by the Devil for 40 days.  His extreme camping experience with his Father God propelled him into a ministry that would end up turning the world upside down even to this day!

Because of these examples and more, I believe God uses camp experiences to create spiritual giants, who impact their world for God’s purposes.  Over the years, I have seen thousands of commitments made at camp.  Some were short-lived.  Others have lasted for years.  Therefore, here are my top ten reasons to get your child to the Peak this summer:

1.    You worship God like no other time!:  Imagine 200 plus students and staff singing loud, weeping over conviction of sin, and lifting holy hands to God!
2.    It’s non-stop fun!:  Imagine night games, water sports, the Blob, the Bob, Mt Everest(a huge inflatable mountain in the water!), tons of activities and more!
3.    You get loved unconditionally!:  Our staff and volunteers really care about your son or daughter.
4.    You get amazing food!:  Maybe that’s quite a bit of an overstatement, but hey, it’s not eating leaves, roots and grass!
5.    Top notch facilities!:  We go to Cascades Camp and Conference Center and the rooms each have a bathroom and shower and comfortable bed.
6.    Great friends!:  You get to choose who you stay with.  It’s like having a sleepover that lasts a whole week-long!
7.    You get hot and wet!:  The weather is awesome during August and the water feels great everyday!
8.    You get really connected to the Junior High!:  There is no better activity to fall in love with the Junior High group than the Peak.
9.    You get tons of opportunities to share with people in your cabin:  At camp, your opinions and experiences give you countless chances to tell your friends and counselor what you are learning each day.
10.    God will speak to you!:  Whether it’s by listening to the messages or by having an awesome discussion with your cabin group, God will use the Peak to speak to you and show himself in a real and genuine way!

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