A Brave, New World…

March 17, 2009 at 11:55 am (Uncategorized)

He gave his message a bunch of thought, but God seemed to be silent.  As he thought about what to share in the group, nothing stood out.  He humbly got right with the Lord during the service, but still God didn’t give that clear direction we all want.  Finally, he decided to share a message from a few days ago that was certainly pertinent and relevant.  And he waited…

Finally, unexpectantly at 5:50pm on Sunday night God spoke and gave him a message to share from Proverbs 13.  The fire in his heart was lit and he was excited in a new way.  He arrived and connected with the students, sharing and chatting, being an example of what a leader should be.  With attendance taken care of  and Mark’s message given, it was off to the group time.

Opening with a time of prayer and confession, he led his group of students and they prayed for each other’s spiritual challenges.  After the prayer groups came back together, it was almost time.  He made sure each student had a Bible and they turned to Proverbs.  He shared a story, authentically revealing how hard it is when your friends aren’t the most godly influences.  He asked questions in order to get everyone involved.  As different students shared, it was obvious that the topic related to each person there.  A short rabbit trail on getting shocked by electronic fences was quickly navigated and then he brought them back on to the main passage.  As he showed the value of seeking wisdom from those who are living examples of a faith lived out daily, each person was affirmed, even in the midst of their varying degrees of brokenness and struggle.  Finally, a short 35 minutes later he closed in prayer.

Was it the youth pastor who so deftly led these young 6th and 8th grade students?  Was it one of the High School age apprentices, cutting their teaching teeth on the group?  Not even close.  In fact, it was Konner C., a student who was teaching for his first time in our group.  Konner is just one of many Junior High students who are stepping out and being the leaders that God has called them to be.  Last summer, God called him to start a weekly Bible study at his middle school.  As he worked with his parents to prepare each week, the 15-20 students who faithfully came were challenged and encouraged each time.  As he modeled a sensitivity to listen to the Holy Spirit, care about the other student peers in the group and unfold the word through reading and discussion, Konner was stepping out into a brave, new world where adults actually disciple their students and give them vision and opportunity to step out and do it.  They may risk failure.  They may not be the most accurate in their insights.  They may lack the confidence.  But, if God is for them, who can be against them?  Get ready for more of these stories.  God is moving and Konner is not the only person you will hear about in the days and weeks to come.

Praising God,

Pastor Mark

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